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Senin, 26 Oktober 2009

Motorola Zeppelin, Ponsel Android Baru dengan HDMI output

CALIFORNIA - Motorola membuktikan komitmennya untuk memperkaya ponsel berbasis Android. Setelah Cliq, Motorola bersiap meluncurkan jajaran ponsel Android terbarunya yang diberi nama Zeppelin.

Zeppelin dihadirkan dengan teknologi full touch screen pada ukuran layar 3.1-inchi termasuk resolusi 480 x 320 pixel, berbeda dengan Cliq yang masih mengandalkan papan ketik Qwerty.

Ponsel cerdas ini juga dilengkapi dengan kamera yang mempunyai kekuatan 5 megapixel, ditambah dengan flash yang berbahan Light Emitting Diode (LED). Fitur tambahan lainnya yang disematkan di Zeppelin di antaranya adalah Wi-Fi, GPS, Bluetooth, termasuk dukungan jaringan HSPA , FM radio dan HDMI output.

Kunci lain yang menjadi rahasia di Zeppelin, ponsel ini menjawab kebutuhan pengguna ponsel yang ingin memiliki nomor telepon lebih dari satu. Pasalnya Motorola telah membenamkan teknologi dual-sim yang mampu memasukkan kartu GSM dan CDMA secara bersamaan dalam satu plot.

Belum diketahui berapa harga yang dibanderol untuk ponsel ini. Kabar lain juga menyebutkan, Zeppelin akan hadir pada awal Januari 2010.

Fitur yang ada di Zeppelin:
Mendukung untuk HSPA (HSDPA / HSUPA)
Fitur tambahan lainnyaWi-Fi 802.11b / g, FM-radio, GPS, Bluetooth
Kamera: 5 MP
Ukuran layar: 3.1 inches dengan teknologi layar sentuh HVGA dengan resolusi 320?-480 Pixel. (Choi)

Sumber : Okezone.com
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Windows 7, Tumpuan Penjualan Lenovo

SHANGHAI - Produsen komputer terbesar keempat dunia, Lenovo berharap banyak pada sistem operasi terbaru besutan Microsoft, Windows 7. Lenovo berharap Windows 7 yang dibenamkan pada produk-produk keluarannya, baik netbook maupun notebook, dapat meningkatkan penjualan.

"Windows 7 akan memiliki efek yang besar, dan kami telah memiliki banyak persiapan untuk itu."

Namun Liu enggan menjelaskan seberapa besar kontribusi Windows 7 pada pendapatan yang akan diraih Lenovo di masa mendatang. Awal pekan lalu Lenovo meluncurkan dua laptop berbasis Windows 7 keluaran terbarunya.

Di Indonesia sendiri Windows 7 telah diluncurkan pada 22 Oktober. Microsoft telah melakukan beberapa perbaikan di Windows 7 sebagai pengganti Windows Vista. Perbaikan tersebut antara lain pada Windows Taskbar yang memudahkan kendali dan membantu untuk mengakses program dan file yang dibutuhkan secara lebih cepat. Setiap Windows yang ada di taskbar dapat dilihat secara penuh apabila mouse diarahkan ke windows tersebut.

Selain Lenovo, produsen komputer asal Taiwan, Acer, juga menjadikan Windows 7 sebagai tumpuan penjualan produknya. "Windows 7 akan menjadi faktor positif penjualan komputer, karena saat ini banyak konsumen yang telah melakukan upgrade sistem operasi Windows Vista maupun XP yang telah berusia delapan tahun itu," kata Chairman Acer J T Wang.

Pengapalan PC di Asia Pasifik termasuk Jepang diketahui meningkat sekira 17 persen sepanjang kuartal ketiga 2009. Berdasarkan survei IDC, Lenovo menguasai market share terbesar di Asia. (Choi)

Sumber : Okezone.com
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Open Source Mampu Cegah Pembajakan

JAKARTA - Menteri Komunikasi dan Informatika (Menkominfo) Tifatul Sembiring menyakini kalau open source software (OSS) mampu menjadi cara yang cerdas untuk menekan pembajakan.

"Dengan sifat open source sebagai sistem terbuka dan dapat dikembangkan oleh siapa pun, open source menjadi cara yang cerdas untuk menekan pembajakan software di indonesia."

Lebih lanjut, Tifatul menambahkan, dengan kehadiran open source mampu memberikan keuntungan bagi negara, karena mampu menekan pengeluaran yang cukup besar.

"Isu utama yang ada di open source itu, kan low cost. Itu yang akan kita galakkan," tandas mantan Presiden PKS tersebut.

Menkominfo, yang sedianya akan datang bersama Menteri Riset dan Teknologi (Menristek) Suharna Surapranata, akhirnya harus datang dan memberikan sambutan sendirian. Suharna akhirnya diwakilkan oleh Engkos Koswara. Tidak jauh bereda dengan Tifatul, dalam sambutannya, Engkos juga menekankan pentingnya open source karena banyak keuntungan yang bisa di dapatkan jika menggunakan sistem operasi terbuka ini.

"Dari sisi keamanan misalnya, open source jauh lebih aman ketimbang software berlisensi yang biasanya rentan dengan serangan," timpal Engkos.

Melalui kementerian ristek, Engkos menambahkan kalau program open source sudah digalakkan sejak thun 2005 melalui program Go Open Source. Diharapkan, pada akhir 2011 Open source sudah diimigrasi oleh semua di lingkungan instansi pemerintah. (Choi)

Sumber : Okezone.com
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Pemerintah Pastikan Open Source Menyeluruh di 2011

JAKARTA - Departeman Komunikasi dan Informatika (Depkominfo) bersama dengan Kementerian Negara Ristek dan Teknologi (KNRT) memastikan tidak akan ada pengunduran waktu mengenai kewajiban untuk menggunakan software legal berbasis open source di seluruh instansi pemerintah di seluruh Indonesia.

Hal ini sudah sesuai dengan edaran Peraturan Kementerian Pemberdayaan Aparatur Negara Nomor 1/2009 yang mewajibkan seluruh instansi pemerintah dari pusat hingga ke daerah bermigrasi menggunakan sistem terbuka ini. Menurut peraturan tersebut, seluruh perpindahan akan terealisasi semuanya pada Desember 2011.

"Secara bertahap kita akan meminta semua instansi pemerintah menggunakan open source. Kami yakin implementasi ini akan terealisasi sesuai rencana, pada Desember 2011 nanti."

Menurut Tifatul, 'memaksa' lingkungan departemen hingga pemerintah daerah dalam menggunakan open source ini tidak mudah seperti membalikkan kedua telapak tangan. Namun, pria asal Bukit Tinggi ini menyakini, secara bertahap migrasi ini akan selesai seluruhnya pada 2011. Apalagi dia menilai, sumber daya manusia Indonesia mampu bersaing dengan negara luar.

"Saat ini saya belum mendapatkan laporan mengenai berapa jumlah departemen dan pemerintah daerah yang sudah memakai open source. Ada beberapa departemen yang sudah mengadopsi sistem operasi ini, seperti KNRT, Depkominfo, Depkum HAM, dan Kementerian Aparatur Negara," tambahnya.

Sementara itu, menurut Direktur Direktorat General of ICT Applications Depkominfo Lolly Amalia Abdulah, sudah ada sekitar 100 lebih pemerintah daerah yang mengajukan permohonan untuk menggunakan open source. Akan tetapi, Lolly tidak mengetahui berapa jumlah pastinya.

"Bersama KNRT kita mengadakan pelatihan SDM-nya. Untuk saat ini kita bantu dulu mengoperasikan software untuk perkantoran, karena memang itu yang lebih banyak digunakan," jelasnya.

Kendati waktunya mendesak, dia sangat optimistis pada 2011 pengaplikasian open source di seluruh jajaran instansi dapat terwujud. Walaupu terkadang, ada beberapa pemda yang enggan berpindah, karena sudah merasa nyaman menggunakan software berlisensi. (Choi)

Sumber : Okezone.com
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Hackers Hitting AV Infrastructure

It's become an all-too-common scam: A legitimate Web site pops up a window that looks just like a real security warning. It says there's something wrong with the computer, and click here to fix it. A few clicks later, the victim is paying out US$40 for some bogus software, called rogue antivirus.

Rogue AV scams have become a big problem in recent months, but according to Trend Micro CEO Eva Chen, it's part of a more sinister, strategic attack on the antivirus industry in general. Criminals "can fake any other application. Why do they fake AV?" she asks.

According to her, a lot of today's security problems are designed not only to steal information from victims, but to undermine the credibility of companies like Trend Micro itself.

One way hackers have done this is by changing the way their software is put together each time they attack, forcing the AV vendors to bloat up their products with hundreds of thousands of new detection signatures.

In response, Trend was one of the first companies to push reputation-based technology into its antivirus products, developing its Smart Protection Network to identify and block not just viruses themselves, but also the malicious Web sites that are used to distribute malware.

Since 2004 Chen has served as CEO of the company she co-founded in 1988. She dropped by IDG News Service offices in San Francisco this week to answer a few questions. The following is an edited transcript of her interview.

IDG News Service: Microsoft has done a good job of making Windows more secure, but are Windows users better off today than they were five years ago?

Eva Chen: If Microsoft thinks it's secure enough, why do they bother to come up with MS Security Essentials for a free download on the side? With so much social engineered malware it actually has nothing to do with whether Windows itself is secure or not. It's the user's behavior. Plus there are so many applications -- either the browser or other applications' vulnerability, not just Windows.

IDGNS: It almost sounds like you're saying that things are worse?

Chen: Yes I would say so. …It has nothing to do with whether Windows is secure or not. It's just that the whole environment is much more unsafe. Hackers are making more money. And with the economic downturn, the criminal rate is going up, and therefore [there is] more cybercrime.

IDGNS: People say that conventional antivirus has not been up to the task and maybe even takes the wrong approach.

Chen: Actually I was the first one to say that. Last year I said the antivirus industry sucks. We were all competing on something that was irrelevant: our detection rates. You're at 100 percent detection rate this minute, the next minute it's down to 70 percent. What's the point of that competition?

There are really two industries fighting. The hackers, they are attacking the antivirus industry's infrastructure. How? First, they created all these variants and all these downloaders. They knew that the whole industry was competing against each other for detection rate. So when they came out with all these variants, it forced all the antivirus companies to add lots of pattern files. Those pattern files got so bloated because of the competition, [that] one it [created] lots of false alarms. So people hated antivirus for so many popups and false alarms. Second, the performance got really bad, so users tended to disable it. Two years ago there was a survey, called "The Most Hated Application," and antivirus -- not ours, but antivirus -- was on the top. So they attacked the whole antivirus industry in this way and therefore if we continue to compete with the detection rate thing, it just plays into their hands.

The second way they attacked antivirus infrastructure is the fake AV. If you look at this, they can fake any other application. Why do they fake AV? They make money and also they ruin antivirus companies' reputations and confidence in the whole antivirus industry.

Can you imagine our support engineers getting phone calls, "Hey your antivirus did not detect these viruses. This other antivirus detected all these viruses for me." And we have to explain to them, "No no no, that antivirus is actually a virus." It's a large burden for the antivirus [industry] to defend ourselves and to defend against that kind of bad reputation. (Choi)

Sumber : Yahoo.com
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Tilera Targets Intel, AMD With 100-core Processor

Tilera on Monday announced new general-purpose CPUs, including a 100-core chip, as it tries to make its way into the server market dominated by Intel and Advanced Micro Devices.

The two-year-old startup's Tile-GX series of chips are targeted at servers and appliances that execute Web-related functions such as indexing, Web search and video search, said Anant Agarwal, cofounder and chief technology officer of Tilera, which is based in San Jose, California. The chips have the attributes of a general-purpose CPU as they can run the Linux OS and other applications commonly used to serve Web data.

"You can run us as an adjunct to something else, though the intent is to be able to run it stand-alone," Agarwal said. The chips could serve as co-processors alongside x86 chips, or potentially replace the chips in appliances and servers.

Chip makers are continuously adding cores as a way to boost application performance. Most x86 server chips today come with either four or six cores, but Intel is set to release the Nehalem-EX chip, an x86 microprocessor with eight cores. AMD will shortly follow with a 12-core Opteron chip code-named Magny Cours. Graphics processors from companies like AMD and Nvidia include hundreds of cores to run high-performance applications, though the chips are making their way into PCs.

The Gx100 100-core chip will draw close to 55 watts of power at maximum performance, Agarwal said. The 16-core chip will draw as little as 5 watts of power.

Tilera's chips have an advantage in performance-per watt compared to x86 chips, but some will be skeptical as the chips are not yet established, said Will Strauss, principal analyst at Forward Concepts.

"I don't think an average person is going to run out to buy a computer with Tilera in it," Strauss said. Intel has the advantage of being an incumbent, and even if Tilera offered something comparable to Intel's chips, it would take years to catch up.

But to start, Tilera is focusing the chips on specific applications that can scale in performance across a large number of cores. It has ported certain Linux applications commonly used in servers, like the Apache Web server, MySQL database and Memcached caching software, to the Tilera architecture.

"The reason we have target markets is not because of any technological limitations or other stuff in the chip. It is simply because, you know, you have to market your processor [to a] target audience. As a small company we can't boil the ocean," Agarwal said.

The company's strategy is to go after lucrative markets where parallel-processing capability has a quick payout, Strauss said. Tilera could expand beyond the Web space to other markets where low-power chips are needed.

It helps that applications can be programmed in C as with an Intel processor, but programmers are needed to write and port the applications, Strauss said. "How easy is it to port Windows or Linux also remains to be seen," he said.

Applications like Apache and MySQL already run on x86 chips and can be ported to run on Tilera chips, company executives said. In a co-processor environment, x86 processors will run legacy applications, while the Tilera will do the Web-specific applications, he said.

"As a smaller company, we can focus in on a couple of applications, drive those, and over time as we grow, we can expand," said Bob Doud, director of marketing at Tilera. The company didn't talk about the markets it would like to go into in the future.

However, industry analysts say that application performance either levels off or even deteriorates as more cores are added to chips. Part of the performance relies on how the cores are assembled, said Agarwal, who is also a professor of electrical engineering and computer science at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

For faster data exchange, Tilera has organized parallelized cores in a square with multiple points to receive and transfer data. Each core has a switch for faster data exchange. Chips from Intel and AMD rely on crossbars, but as the number of cores expands, the design could potentially cause a gridlock that could lead to bandwidth issues, he said.

"You can have three or four streets coming in but ... it's hard to imagine 30 streets coming into an intersection," Agarwal said. The mesh architecture used in Tilera chips is expandable as the square gets bigger, he said.

In addition to additional cores, the new Tilera chips include many upgrades from their predecessors. The chips are speedier, running at up to 1.5GHz, with support for 64-bit processing. The chips will be made using the 40-nanometer process, which make them smaller and more power-efficient. Earlier chips were made using the 90-nm process. The chips will start shipping next year, with the 100-core chip scheduled to ship in early 2011. Volume pricing for the chips will range from US$400 to $1,000. (Choi)

Sumber : Yahoo.com
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Is Windows 7 the Greatest OS Ever? Let Me Count the Ways

Steve Ballmer recently stated that Windows 7 is the Windows 7 is the best version of Windows yet, or even the greatest operating system of all time. Let's consider the hypothetical question of whether Windows 7 is the greatest operating system of all time.

Before the flaming comments start flowing about what a Microsoft fanboy I am, let me begin by stating that it's a hypothetical question, not a statement of opinion, never mind an assessment of any empirical facts.

How do you even measure such a thing, though? Choosing the ‘best' operating system is a little like selecting the ‘best' religion. They all have their pros and cons and the decision is very subjective because what one person considers a feature, the next person considers a bug.

Windows 7 has been favorably reviewed thus far and it seems to be doing well out of the gate, but, let's take a look at some factors you might consider in trying to choose the best operating system ever.


Price alone can't determine the best operating system, but it can certainly be a factor. You have to be careful about how you calculate the price of the operating system though. For example, the Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium Upgrade edition costs $120, compared with Snow Leopard, the recent upgrade for Apple Mac OS X, which came in at $29. However, comparable hardware to run it on costs two to three times more for the Mac OS X system, and the cost of compatible hardware devices is typically higher as well.

Linux is open source, which means that an operating system like Ubuntu can be downloaded for free. There are some intangible costs to the learning curve if you aren't already a Linux-user, as well as some additional effort to adapt other hardware and software to work with it. But, overall the winner on price would appear to be Linux.

Market Share

This is arguably one of the more widely-accepted measurements for ‘best' operating system. However, there are subjective ways to measure it. Is market share determined by the number of systems sold with a given operating system? Many users report having purchased a system with Windows Vista, but wiping it and replacing it with Windows XP, or some variant of Linux. How about the number of virtual systems running a given operating system, or the number of users who have multiple operating systems?

According to netmarketshare.com, Windows XP has 71.51 percent of the operating system market, followed by Windows Vista at 18.62 percent. Lumping versions together, Windows has 92.77 percent, followed by Mac at 5.12 percent, with Linux coming in third at just under one percent. Judging by those numbers, the market share winner is easily Windows, or more specifically Windows XP.

Vulnerabilities / Stability

Maybe price and market share are too arbitrary? You can argue that you get what you pay for and that free doesn't mean good, or that just because corporations deploy Windows XP by the tens of thousands doesn't make it ‘best'. How about the most stable operating system, or the one with the fewest vulnerabilities and patches?

Fair enough. I have two caveats to point out for this measurement. First, the number of patches can vary greatly from the number of vulnerabilities and may be misleading. On Microsoft's monthly Patch Tuesday one Security Bulletin or update often addresses a number of outstanding vulnerabilities. Similarly, some updates for Mac OS X patch a large number of holes all at once.

The other caveat to consider is to look at the big picture. When Microsoft releases updates each month it includes patches for Windows, Microsoft Office software, Internet Explorer, Windows Media Player, and other Microsoft software like SQL Server and Exchange. An operating system like Ubuntu may be able to boast fewer vulnerabilities, but unless you are only using the core operating system you have to include the vulnerabilities for the web browser, media player, productivity software, etc. that make the system as a whole functional.

I'd call this one a draw.

Device / Software Support

Continuing the perspective that it's the system as a whole that provides value, not just the core operating system, another measure of best operating system could be the number of compatible hardware devices and software applications available to use with it. No operating system is an island, and the flexibility to install a wide range of additional hardware and software greatly enhances the overall ownership experience.

Judging by what I see on store shelves at Best Buy, or what I can find online from retailers like Amazon, or CDW, I would say this category easily goes to Windows, but figuring out specifically which version of Windows would take a lot more digging.


Any vendor can crank out a new whiz bang operating system every year or three and capture the attention of users. The new operating systems also become the de facto standard installed on new hardware purchases which gives them a decided advantage. So, when a legacy operating system still commands a significant share of the market, it says something about how capable and respected that operating system is.

Given that Windows XP users outnumber Windows Vista users almost 4 to 1, and that three out of four users still use the older version of Windows, the reigning champ in this area has to be Windows XP.

The bottom line though is that only you can determine what is the best operating system for you. Determining the ‘best' operating system is, in fact, a matter of subjective opinion. Surveys and statistics may be useful, but what matters is how it works for you to do what you want a computer operating system to do.

It is too early to measure Windows 7 against most of the factors I listed, but I do think given time it could emerge as the best version of Windows and maybe even the best operating system. (Choi)

Sumber : Yahoo.com
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Snow Leopard beats Windows 7

San Francisco - I have a confession: I'm a switcher. My long journey with Windows, which began even before Windows with MS-DOS, ended with Windows Vista. While so many others navigated the Vista debacle by sticking with Windows XP, I gave Vista a try -- and gave up. I leapt to the Mac OS.

Could Windows 7 lure me back?

Windows 7 was built to fix the problems that plagued Vista, and it unquestionably succeeds in doing that. It's a bit less bloated, and it runs a bit faster. The annoying security alerts from User Account Control have been quieted. And the compatibility issues with third-party software and hardware device drivers have largely been ironed away; after all, it's been two and a half years since Vista debuted. Windows 7 even includes a virtual "XP mode" for running legacy programs.

[ Which is better? The Mac OS and Windows 7 UIs face off. | Get InfoWorld's 21-page hands-on look at the next version of Windows, from InfoWorld’s editors and contributors. | Find out what's new, what's wrong, and what's good about Windows 7 in InfoWorld's "Windows 7: The essential guide." ]

Windows 7 goes a few steps beyond merely repairing Vista. It borrows --and improves on -- tricks from the Mac's playbook to make it easier and faster to organize files and launch programs. Like Apple's operating system, Windows 7 not only looks good, but it has tools and shortcuts that help you work more efficiently. If there were ever a Windows that could challenge Mac OS X, Windows 7 is it.

Still, once you've had Mac, can you ever go back? Mac OS X Leopard received rave reviews for good reason, and Snow Leopard further improved OS X. Although the changes to the GUI are minimal (why mess with success?), there are important improvements under the hood, including a recoded, 64-bit Finder that takes better advantage of multicore processors. Snow Leopard also makes the Mac a better fit with PC-oriented businesses with integrated Mail, Address Book, and iCal support for Microsoft Exchange Server 2007.

After spending a few weeks with both new operating systems and exposing each to my geek's gauntlet of everyday tasks -- e-mail, instant messaging, Web surfing, blogging, creating and editing Office documents, Web page creation, and audio, video, and photo editing -- I have to call Snow Leopard the winner. All considered, from starting up to backing up, Mac OS X still offers the best overall user experience. The competition was close, though -- far closer than it's been in quite a while.

Read on to find out how Windows 7 and Snow Leopard compare in usability, features, security, and speed. In some areas the winner is clear, while in others I have to call it a draw. Generally where one wins, the other is not far behind. Perhaps not surprisingly, Apple and Microsoft largely agree on how an operating system should look and act when you're trying to get work done. The similarities are often striking.

One last note before we dive into the details: To test the operating systems, I installed each on a dedicated laptop computer that had previously been running the earlier version. In each case, either shipping or release candidate code was used for the initial installation, and each was current with all patches and updates as of the date of testing.

Usability: File exploring
While noting that there are options you can set to determine just how files and folders will be displayed, both Windows 7 and Snow Leopard follow the same basic script for letting you find files. The larger units (computer, network, libraries, and so on) are on the left side of the window, while details are on the right.

Windows 7 places more options in front of the user with the bar at the top of the window, while Snow Leopard tends to place the options under buttons there. No huge difference here, though I'll say that the "more intuitive" description that Mac users love to throw around suffers a bit when intuition is hidden under icons. It's true that you can add tasks to the toolbar in Mac OS X, but it requires more work than simply accepting the default options in Windows 7.

The larger difference comes in Windows 7's treatment of "libraries." In a library, you can collect files of various sorts without moving them from the folder where they're stored; libraries can even collect files from different disks. It's easy to create these collections of whatever you'd like and pin them to the left-hand side of the window. If you're like me, a file pack rat who tends to work on a number of different projects at once, then the libraries can be a major improvement in the way you work with files.

Verdict: Yes, Snow Leopard has the ability to move documents into stacks on the Dock, but the Windows 7 libraries are much more powerful and flexible. Advantage: Windows 7.

Usability: Launching applications
There is no more iconic visual symbol for Mac OS X than the dock, that strip at the bottom of the screen where frequently used applications live. It's easy to forget that you can launch most programs from the applications folder, but good to remember before your dock becomes hopelessly overcrowded. Snow Leopard didn't make significant changes to the dock, so users accustomed to the Leopard way of doing things should be comfortable with Snow Leopard's as well.

Windows 7, on the other hand, makes significant changes to the Windows task bar. It's now possible to pin applications to the task bar to make it far more Mac-like. Further, Windows 7 improves on the Mac model by allowing you to pin folders to the task bar, as well. The Windows 7 task bar can also be moved around the screen, appearing at the bottom, top, or either side, though most users will find it easier to let it sit at the bottom, where it's always been.

Verdict: The ability to pin folders is a genuine improvement to the Windows task bar, especially when your work requires you to constantly refer back to the same set of files. Advantage: Windows 7.

Usability: Managing windows
One of the more noticeable functions of Windows Aero is the "glass" view of the desktop. When the cursor hovers over a small bar in the lower-right corner of the screen, all the active windows turn transparent, allowing you to see the desktop underneath. A variation on this comes when you hover over an application on the taskbar, to bring up a thumbnail of the application screen (or rows of thumbnails, if the app has multiple windows open), then hover over the thumbnail; the application's window becomes active while all other windows become transparent. The visual effect is pretty cool, even if the functionality isn't required in every situation.

The Snow Leopard equivalent comes when you click and hold on a dock icon that represents an application that is running. A shrunken application window appears over a darkened desktop, and the application can be chosen with a single click. The Snow Leopard representation comes forward regardless of which Spaces desktop the application is running within, so it's a fast way to jump between the various desktops. Snow Leopard can also let you see all of the running applications in small, side-by-side windows, so it's easy to choose which you should hop to next.

Verdict: While the Windows 7 application and desktop view is graphically richer, the Snow Leopard method is more fully integrated within the rest of the user interface. By a narrow margin, the advantage goes to Snow Leopard.

Usability: Searching
The Mac OS X Spotlight offers a powerful way to launch both applications and data files by typing a search string, then choosing the desired file from the results list. While Windows Vista has a search function as part of the Start menu, it's not as powerful as the Mac OS X Spotlight. In Windows 7, the search feature gets major upgrades, becoming a genuine rival for the Mac OS X Spotlight.

If you open the Start menu and begin typing, Windows 7 will bring up a list of programs, control panel items, documents, and media files whose titles contain the string you're typing. This is very similar to the approach Spotlight takes, and it's powerful enough to be faster than scrolling through the application menus if you have more than a very basic set of applications on your system.

What we're really seeing is that both Windows and the Mac OS are converging toward a common model, in which most applications (and the most common data files) will be accessed through icons on the dock or the menu bar, while less-common apps and data are accessed through rapid search results. The traditional Start menu and application folder are obviously being replaced by more efficient ways of launching applications.

Verdict: Both companies have reached similar conclusions about the best ways of navigating applications as well as files, so there's no clear advantage for one over the other. Draw.

Performance: An extra inch
Microsoft promised to make Windows 7 faster and leaner than Vista, and InfoWorld lab tests show slight improvements on both counts. OfficeBench, which measures the time required to complete a variety of Microsoft Office tasks, puts Windows 7 at roughly 4 percent faster than Vista (and 15 percent slower than XP). InfoWorld's OfficeBench tests also show that Windows 7 uses about 8 percent less RAM than Vista when running an identical workload. PC World WorldBench tests likewise indicate "incremental" speed improvements.

Whether Snow Leopard is faster than Leopard seems to depend both on the task and on the machine. In Macworld tests, the biggest consistent speed improvements were in system shutdowns and initial Time Machine backups. Snow Leopard was no faster than Leopard at starting up or running a Photoshop script, and it was slower at duplicating a 1GB file in the Finder and at waking from sleep. Results for other tasks were inconsistent across an iMac, a MacBook Pro, and a Mac Pro.

In short, Leopard users may or may not notice the additional oomph provided by Snow Leopard's 64-bit Finder, QuickTime X, or Safari 4 browser. Further, the effects of two other behind-the-scenes innovations won't be felt until application programmers begin to take advantage of them. Snow Leopard's Grand Central Dispatch will allow programmers to optimize application performance on multicore processors, while OpenCL will let them tap certain graphics processors to give the CPU a helping hand.

The good news today, however, is that both operating systems snap to attention relatively quickly. In my startup tests, Windows 7 required 2 minutes, 17.9 seconds to move from power-button press to ready. Snow Leopard moved from button press to ready in 1 minute, 15.1 seconds. Naturally, I recorded these times was with no password required; password protection will cost you a few more seconds, but I consider it a good investment.

While the two systems weren’t identically configured in terms of the applications that load on startup, they were configured similarly. Each loaded a firewall, antivirus software, Dropbox (a cloud file storage system), Plaxo (cloud contact manager), and the Evernote clipper. Each started a network and Bluetooth service set. Each had a healthy number of fonts available and the same set of three printers on the network. In short, they were loaded with software that users might regularly use to get their jobs done.

In general responsiveness, for doing things like launching applications and switching tasks, I couldn't say that one was any faster than the other. I found the two to be very similar. There is one area, though, in which Snow Leopard seemed to perform better than Windows 7, and that’s in continous operation over the course of several days.

Here’s what I mean: I’m forever shutting the lid on my laptop, picking it up, and heading to another location. If I don’t think about it, I can go several days without shutting the system down. Each of the systems does, eventually, need a reboot to keep everything happy, but Snow Leopard can easily go four or five days without requiring a full power-off and cold boot. Windows 7 seems happiest when I reboot it every couple of days, though that’s a major improvement over Vista, which wanted to be shut down every night. I understand that my way of operating probably isn’t best, but it’s also not uncommon, and Snow Leopard seems to enforce garbage collection and polite behavior of applications a bit better than Windows 7.

Verdict: Neither operating system seemed more responsive or faster than the other. There's a clear winner in boot speed, as Snow Leopard is ready a full minute faster than Windows 7. In terms of ability to handle continuous operation, while Windows 7 is a dramatic improvement over Vista, I still have to give the nod to Snow Leopard.

Security: Fortress vs. outpost
Windows 7 has made several important strides in security over Vista. The most important centers around improvements in User Account Control, the security feature most responsible for users' profanity-laced tirades against Vista.

The problem with Vista's UAC is that it is a blunt instrument for controlling application installation and activity. With Windows 7, the controls over UAC and the warnings it gives have become much finer-grained, allowing the user to tell UAC that a particular application or process is trusted, and should therefore not be the source of incessant warnings and permission requests. The changes make UAC in Windows 7 a much more useful security technology because it's much less likely to be turned off by the user.

Both Windows 7 and Snow Leopard offer built-in encryption, an important feature if you store personal or company data on a laptop. Snow Leopard has the ability to encrypt your home folder -- the place where virtually all your documents and data files will live unless you explicitly tell them to go somewhere else. It's set up through a simple check box in a system preferences dialog, and it requires relatively little processing overhead after its initial encryption session.

Windows 7 inherits BitLocker drive encryption from Vista with one important update and one significant limitation. The limitation is that BitLocker, which can encrypt an entire disk or any chosen files or folders, is only available in the Ultimate and Enterprise editions of the operating system. The improvement is that, if you have Ultimate or Enterprise installed, you can now encrypt USB thumb drives as you would a hard disk. That's a nontrivial consideration, and one that could drive the selection of a Windows 7 version.

BitLocker can be controlled through AppLocker, a Windows 7 Enterprise feature that permits central control of the applications allowed to run on a system or group of systems. AppLocker is, along with Direct Access (a secure remote access method that can eliminate the need for third-party VPN software), a significant step up in corporate security for Windows 7.

Both Windows 7 and Snow Leopard have built-in firewalls, and each operating system allows for fine control over resource sharing, computer identity display, and network discovery. Many commenters have made the point that Windows 7 security is more advanced and capable than the security built into Snow Leopard. That is almost certainly true. It's equally true that the number of exploits attempted against Windows machines versus Macintosh computers make stronger security a more stringent requirement for the Windows system.

There's another thing I have to mention: system updates. In the time I've had Windows 7 installed, there has been a regular stream of patches and updates. I know that patching vulnerabilities is crucial, and I applaud Microsoft for moving quickly on this front, but the fact that I am regularly informed of updates plants questions in my head over security and reliability. Snow Leopard has been updated, yes, but at far less frequent intervals than Windows 7, a pattern that each operating system is continuing from its predecessor.

Verdict: I'd love to have a clear winner on this point, but in considering everything I'm going to call security a draw. Each system is better than its predecessor. Neither is perfect, but each will allow me to work without constant fear of data loss. It's a good draw, but a draw nonetheless.

Compatibility: Role reversal
In some ways, it's a bit early to draw conclusions about overall compatibility with existing applications, but a couple of statements can be made. First, I have been surprised by the number of Mac applications requiring new versions to work properly with Snow Leopard. For an operating system upgrade that did not carry a new user interface or entirely new code base, the number of bent and broken applications has been large. From Microsoft Office applications through Firefox and even less popular applications, many apps have required new versions in order to function with Snow Leopard.

So far, I have found very few applications that refuse to run with Windows 7. There are a couple, including the ZoneAlarm firewall, but most of the personal productivity apps have run quite well to this point. I suspect there will be a flood of new application versions that take advantage of the updated user interface presented by Windows 7, but those are upgrades, rather than patches to allow basic functionality.

Verdict: We're a long way from Vista. The compatibility points go to Windows 7.

Built-in apps and utilities
Apple made significant improvements to Mail, Address Book, and iCal in Snow Leopard, bringing Exchange 2007 compatibility to these built-in apps. When you add the functions of iLife ($79), many of the basic communication and media production tasks most consumers (and many business users) will need to accomplish can be handled without spending a whole lot extra on application software.

Microsoft has taken the opposite approach, stripping Mail, Movie Maker, and other basic application software out of Windows 7. This succeeds in making the footprint smaller for users who don’t want or need these functions. If you do need them, Microsoft has made Windows Live versions of Mail, Movie Maker, Writer (for blogging), and other applications available for free download. The new Live apps seem quite good, but obtaining them requires another step for users to go through.

Here's another small, but telling, issue with the basic applications from each company. While the Mac's Mail has been improved to work with Exchange Server 2007 out of the box, Windows Live Mail requires that the Exchange Server use the IMAP 4 protocol (rather than the native Exchange protocols) to delver mail. I’m not sure why this is so, but if you want to have Exchange functionality without buying additional software, then the Mac is the better answer. Go figure.

There are, of course, some additional apps and functions that are common to both operating systems. Each comes with its own browser, Internet Explorer 8 for Windows 7 and Safari 4 for Snow Leopard. Each is much improved over previous editions, and each is a modern, tabbed, fully functional Web browser. IE8 has far more add-in programs available than Safari 4. Whether you consider this a good or bad thing depends heavily on your philosophy of the Web browser. Me? I use Firefox as my principal browser on both platforms.

File sharing on local networks is relatively straightforward on both systems, with each even finding the other on its list of available computers. It’s worth noting that both the Mac and Windows 7 have file sharing and local network features that become much richer and easier to use if they’re part of a homogenous network -- if all the computers on the network are either Macs or Windows 7 machines. When traveling outside my local network I found Snow Leopard to be the easier system to use when finding and making connections to other networks. Windows 7 is much better than Vista at making wireless network connections, but it still wanted to put too many networks in the “unknown” category and hang on to public settings even after I came back to my office network. It’s much better than it was, but Snow Leopard still requires much less user involvement for most situations.

Backup is a critical area that Snow Leopard still wins outright. With Time Machine I plug in a USB hard drive and forget about it. Windows Backup is sufficient for most individual users, but it requires setup and isn’t nearly as simple as Time Machine. Since, for most users, setting up any backup routine is an issue of overcoming lethargy and complication, the Snow Leopard solution wins here.

Verdict: The basic applications from both Microsoft and Apple are far better than they were even two years ago, and you can’t beat the price. Although the system utilities for networking, file sharing, backups, and other tasks are largely equivalent on both platforms, the Mac's are typically simpler to use. The advantage here, while not huge, goes to Snow Leopard.

A cat by the tail
Although I gave Snow Leopard the edge in most categories, it was a much closer contest than this former Vista user expected. I would be content to use either operating system as my daily work platform, and in fact there will be a role in my office for both. Neither left me cursing its shortcomings, and each will be able to support the sort of applications I need to be productive for some time to come.

The good news for both Mac and Windows users is that the belt will rest easily with Apple for only a short time. Windows 7 is clearly the operating system that Vista should have been, and Windows is now on a par with Mac OS X. Windows could easily pull ahead as future developments like WinFS come on line. (Choi)

Sumber : Yahoo.com
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White House opens Web site programming to public

WASHINGTON – A programming overhaul of the White House's Web site has set the tech world abuzz. For low-techies, it's a snooze — you won't notice a thing.

The online-savvy administration on Saturday switched to open-source code for http://www.whitehouse.gov — meaning the programming language is written in public view, available for public use and able for people to edit.

"We now have a technology platform to get more and more voices on the site," White House new media director Macon Phillips told The Associated Press hours before the new site went live on Saturday. "This is state-of-the-art technology and the government is a participant in it."

White House officials described the change as similar to rebuilding the foundation of a building without changing the street-level appearance of the facade. It was expected to make the White House site more secure — and the same could be true for other administration sites in the future.

"Security is fundamentally built into the development process because the community is made up of people from all across the world, and they look at the source code from the very start of the process until it's deployed and after," said Terri Molini of Open Source for America, an interest group that has pushed for more such programs.

Having the public write code may seem like a security risk, but it's just the opposite, experts inside and outside the government argued. Because programmers collaborate to find errors or opportunities to exploit Web code, the final product is therefore more secure.

For instance, instead of a dozen administration programmers trying to find errors, thousands of programmers online constantly are refining the programs and finding potential pitfalls.

It will be a much faster way to change the programming behind the Web site. When the model was owned solely by the government, federal contractors would have to work through the reams of code to troubleshoot it or upgrade it. Now, it can be done in the matter of days and free to taxpayers.

Obama's team, which harnessed the Web to win an electoral landslide in 2008 and raise millions, has been working toward the shift since it took office Jan. 20 with a White House site based on technology purchased at the end of President George W. Bush's administration.

It didn't let the tech-savvy Obama team build the new online platform it wanted. For instance, 60,000 watched Obama speech to a joint session of Congress on health care. One-third of those stayed online to talk with administration officials about the speech. But there are limits; the programming used to power that was built for Facebook, the popular social networking Web site.

"We want to improve the tools used by thousands of people who come to WhiteHouse.gov to engage with White House officials, and each other, in meaningful ways," Phillips said.

It's also a nod to Obama's pledge to make government more open and transparent. Aides joked that it doesn't get more transparent than showing the world a code that their Web site is based on.

Under the open-source model, thousands of people pick it apart simultaneously and increase security. It comes more cheaply than computer coding designed for a single client, such as the Executive Office of the President. It gives programmers around the world a chance to offer upgrades, additions or tweaks to existing programs that the White House could — or could not — include in daily updates.

Yet the system — known as Drupal — alone won't make it more secure on its own, cautioned Ari Schwartz of the Center for Democracy and Technology. (Choi)

Sumber : Yahoo.com
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Internet set for change with non-English addresses

SEOUL, South Korea - The Internet is set to undergo one of the biggest changes in its four-decade history with the expected approval this week of international domain names — or addresses — that can be written in languages other than English, an official said Monday.

The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers, or ICANN — the non-profit group that oversees domain names — is holding a meeting this week in Seoul. Domain names are the monikers behind every Web site, e-mail address and Twitter post, such as ".com" and other suffixes.

One of the key issues to be taken up by ICANN's board at this week's gathering is whether to allow for the first time entire Internet addresses to be in scripts that are not based on Latin letters. That could potentially open up the Web to more people around the world as addresses could be in characters as diverse as Arabic, Korean, Japanese, Greek, Hindi and Cyrillic — in which Russian is written.

"This is the biggest change technically to the Internet since it was invented 40 years ago," Peter Dengate Thrush, chairman of the ICANN board, told reporters, calling it a "fantastically complicated technical feature." He said he expects the board to grant approval on Friday, the conference's final day.

The Internet's roots are traced to experiments at a U.S. university in 1969 but it wasn't until the early 1990s that its use began expanding beyond academia and research institutions to the public.

Rod Beckstrom, ICANN's new president and CEO, said that if the change is approved, ICANN would begin accepting applications for non-English domain names and that the first entries into the system would likely come sometime in mid 2010.

Enabling the change, Thrush said, is the creation of a translation system that allows multiple scripts to be converted to the right address.

"We're confident that it works because we've been testing it now for a couple of years," he said. "And so we're really ready to start rolling it out."

Of the 1.6 billion Internet users worldwide, Beckstrom — a former chief of U.S. cybersecurity — said that more than half use languages that have scripts based on alphabets other than Latin.

"So this change is very much necessary for not only half the world's Internet users today, but more than half of probably the future users as the use of the Internet continues to spread," he said.

Beckstrom, in earlier remarks to conference participants, recalled that many people had said just three to five years ago that using non-Latin scripts for domain names would be impossible to achieve.

"But you the community and the policy groups and staff and board have worked through them, which is absolutely incredible," he said. (Choi)

Sumber : Yahoo.com
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Pakai Software, Rekor Bikin Situs Terbanyak Pecah

Jakarta - Sebanyak 100 situs berhasil dibuat dalam waktu kurang dari 30 menit oleh 100 orang. Hasil tersebut dicatat oleh MURI untuk kategori pembuatan website terbanyak dalam waktu tercepat.

Sebanyak 100 orang siswa dan siswi dari SMK 14 Kota Bandung menunjukan kebolehannya membuat dan mendesain situs dengan aplikasi Web4instan buatan tim Flexter.

"Ini (pemecahan rekor - red) beranjak dari kebutuhan industri yang ingin buat website dengan mudah dan murah serta tidak melibatkan pihak ketiga atau bisa dibuat sendiri," ujar Hendrayana dari Flexter menjelaskan maksud acara tersebut.

Tak hanya terbanyak, MURI juga mencatat rekor pembuatan web tercepat yakni 4 menit 30 detik. Nurul Rochmanisah Rosadi, siswi kelas 3 Seni Rupa ini berhasil membuat situs www.bayibutik.net dalam waktu singkat.

"Mudah saja. Tinggal ikuti langkah-langkahnya. Ada 5 langkah," kata Nurul menjelaskan kecepatannya dalam membuat situs. Sedangkan situs bayibutik sendiri
merupakan pesanan dari member Flexter.

Di tempat yang sama, Sutikno Susilo, Direktur MURI mengaku bahwa untuk rekor pembuatan website tercepat dan terbanyak belum pernah ada sebelumnya. Dan acara tersebut menurutnya layak mendapatkan penghargaan dan dicatat dalam MURI. Walaupun sejatinya, para peserta hanya tinggal mengikuti langkah-langkah yang sudah ada.

"Layak sekali. Selama ini pembuatan website selalu butuh waktu. Tapi saat ini dibuktikan bahwa dengan cepat sebuah website bisa dibuat. Walaupun memang menggunakan software, tapi untuk kuantiti ini adalah rekor," ujarnya terkagum-kagum.

web4instan sendiri adalah satu aplikasi full integrasi yang memiliki 6 engine serta familiar dengan google engine. "Ada 6 engine, 4 diantaranya adalah buatan kami sendiri. Sedangkan 2 lainnya adalah Joomla dan Wordpress. Dua engine yang cukup familiar dan banyak dipergunakan oleh web developmen," ungkapnya.

Keempat engine buatan sendiri tersebut adalah C2MS (custom content management system) Chart yang bisa digunakan untuk membuat aplikasi toko online, C2MS Light bisa digunakan untuk membuat korporat web, C2MS Liquid untuk mendesain web dengan ragam animasi atau flash, serta yang terakhir adalah C2MS Flexlight yang khusus didesain untuk memenuhi kebutuhan member Flexter untuk melakukan transaksi ataupun untuk merekrut member Flexter melalui website.

Ditanya mengenai harga jual aplikasi tersebut, Hendrayana mengaku tidak menjual secara umum di luar member Flexter. Namun dengan membeli aplikasi tersebut maka secara otomatis akan terdaftar sebagai member.

"Untuk personal member itu seharga Rp 550 ribu. Sedangkan untuk korporat member itu ada yang Rp 1,1 juta dan Rp 2 juta," katanya.

Saat ini sudah ada 2.000 situs yang dibuat dengan menggunakan aplikasi yang dibangun sejak 2 tahun silam. "Web4instan dibuat untuk simple. Menggunakan CMS standar untuk belajar sendiri," katanya berpromosi. (Choi)

Sumber : Detikinet.com
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Indonesia Berguru Open Source dari Brasil

Jakarta - Brasil tak hanya mahir dalam bermain sepakbola. Implementasi Open Source di lembaga pemerintah juga sukses dijalankan Negeri Samba ini.

Hal itulah yang membuat pemerintah Indonesia kepincut dan ingin berguru kepada Brasil soal penerapan Open Source di institusi pemerintahan.

Dikatakan Lolly Amalia, Direktur Sistem Informasi Ditjen Aptel Depkominfo, Brasil terbilang sukses dalam mengimplementasi dan memberikan contoh konkret kelebihan dari Open Source.

"GDP mereka terbukti naik setelah pakai Open Source. Makanya kita undang mereka (praktisi Open Source Brasil-red.) ke acara ini (Global Conference on Open Source-red.). Biar mereka bisa sharing ilmu dan pengalaman."

Tak hanya praktisi Open Source dari Brasil saja yang tampil di acara GCOS ini. Namun juga Duta Besar Brasil untuk Indonesia ikut sharing ilmu ke sekitar 500 peserta yang hadir.

Indonesia sendiri, berdasarkan surat edaran dari Kementerian Pendayaan Aparatur Negara pada Maret lalu, mewajibkan seluruh lembaga pemerintah sudah harus mengadopsi software Open Source di akhir 2011 nanti.

Alhasil, sejumlah departemen dan pemerintah daerah pun dilaporkan sudah mengambil ancang-ancang untuk bermigrasi dari aplikasi proprietary.

"Ini harus tuntas di akhir 2011," tegas Menkominfo Tifatul Sembiring, di tempat yang sama. (Choi)

Sumber : Detikinet.com
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Pakai Open Source, Ristek Hemat 60% Anggaran TI

Jakarta - Salah satu keunggulan dari Open Source adalah mampu memberikan penghematan. Kementerian Negara Riset dan Teknologi misalnya, mampu berhemat hingga 60 persen anggaran TI lantaran menggunakan aplikasi bersistem terbuka itu.

"Penghematan yang bisa diambil dari Open Source itu diperkirakan sekitar 40 persen, tapi Ristek bisa hemat sampai 60 persen," tukasnya kepada beberapa wartawan, tanpa menjelaskan angka rincinya.

Atas dasar ini pula, lembaga pemerintah lain -- baik di pusat atau di daerah -- diharapkan dapat mengikuti jejak serupa. Terlebih pada akhir 2011, seluruh lembaga pemerintah sudah harus bermigrasi dari aplikasi proprietary.

"Terakhir itu sudah lebih dari 100 Pemda yang sudah bertanya ke kita (Ristek-red.) dan Kominfo seputar Open Source. Mulai dari ingin tahu proses migrasi sampai soal anggaran," ujar Kemal.

Sementara itu, Ditjen Aplikasi dan Telematika Depkominfo Ashwin Sasongko mengibaratkan, Open Source itu seperti air mineral. "Mengambilnya gratis dari pegunungan, tapi distribusi dan pengemasannya bayar," ujarnya di tempat yang sama.

Begitu pula Open Source, installnya gratis namun pelatihan dan maintenance-nya kena biaya. Jadi tidak sepenuhnya gratis, tandasnya. (Choi)

Sumber : Detikinet.com
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Serangan Cyber ke BlackBerry Diprediksi Meroket

Washington - Para pakar sekuriti internet mengkhawatirkan ancaman cyber yang kian intensif pada smartphone seperti BlackBerry atau iPhone. Pengguna pun diharap meningkatkan kewaspadaannya.

"Hampir bisa digaransi bahwa hampir semua serangan yang terjadi di komputer akan muncul di smartphone."

Fenomena itu taklepas dari meningkatnya adopsi smartphone. Menurut data Gartner, pada tahun 2008 saja lebih dari 139 juta smartphone terjual di seluruh dunia. Ini merupakan peningkatan sebesar 13,9 persen dibandingkan angka di tahun 2007.

User saat ini semakin banyak mengakses internet dari smartphone dan melakukan transaksi pembayaran. Ini membuat para cracker tergoda untuk melakukan serangan dengan niat mengeruk uang.

Para analis menyatakan, serangan cyber seperti hantaman Trojan seringkali menyebar ke smartphone melalui attachment e-mail. Ada pula serangan melalui Bluetooth.

Namun banyak pengguna smartphone yang terkesan meremehkan dan tak melindungi perangkatnya. Survei Trend Micro mengungkap, hanya 23 persen dari pemakai smartphone menginstall software keamanan.

Sedangkan Khoi Nguyen, Product Manager di Symantec juga memperingatkan risiko yang terjadi saat smartphone dicuri. Jika jatuh ke tangan penjahat cyber, kemungkinan data penting seperti account bank akan disalahgunakan para penjahat.

Dari pihak produsen sendiri juga menyadari soal sekuriti ini. Scott Totzke, Vice President of BlackBerry's Security Groups menyarankan agar semua pemakai smartphone memakai password, rutin mendownload update security dan hanya memakai aplikasi dari sumber terpercaya. (Choi)

Sumber : Detikinet.com
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Spam Berisi Malware, Kian 'Membanjir'

Jakarta - Persentase jumlah spam berisi malware kian meningkat. Hal ini terungkap dari data terbaru Symantec. Pada September 2009, Symantec menemukan bahwa rata-rata 1,3% dari keseluruhan pesan spam berisi malware. Jika dibandingkan dengan Agustus 2009, ini berarti terjadi peningkatan sebesar 9 kali lipat jumlah pesan yang berisi malware.

Jumlah pesan yang berisi malware sebenarnya mencapai titik tertinggi di 4,5% dari keseluruhan spam pada saat tertentu selama bulan September.

Meskipun kenaikan satu digit terlihat kecil pada awalnya, namun akibat dari peningkatan ini sangat berarti jika pengguna melihat bahwa 86,39% dari keseluruhan pesan email pada bulan September 2009 adalah spam.

Menurut Symantec, implikasinya antara lain meningkatnya malware yang disisipkan, yang akan memicu peningkatan rata-rata ukuran pesan spam.

Pada bulan September juga, pesan spam dengan ukuran lebih besar dari 10k meningkat 5%. Sementara pesan spam yang mempunyai ukuran rata-rata antara 0-2k, turun 7%.

Alhasil pesan yang lebih besar mengakibatkan beban yang berarti pada sumberdaya TI dan dapat memperlambat pengiriman pesan yang sah sampai kepada pengguna yang dituju.

Terkait hal tersebut, Symantec memberi 5 tips yang sebaiknya tidak dilakukan pengguna:

- Membuka lampiran dari email yang tidak dikenal. Karena lampiran ini dapat menginfeksi komputer.
- Membalas spam. Biasanya alamat emailnya dipalsukan, dan membalas email spam akan menghasilkan spam-spam lain.
- Mengisi formulir dalam pesan yang meminta informasi pribadi atau keuangan atau kata sandi (password.). Perusahaan terkemuka tidak mungkin meminta informasi pribadi melalui email.
- Membeli produk atau jasa dari pesan spam.
- Membuka pesan spam.
- Meneruskan peringatan virus apapun yang anda terima melalui email. Bisa jadi ini adalah berita bohong (hoax). (Choi)

Sumber : Detikinet.com
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'Sayang, Kapan Pulang?' Hantui Komputer

Jakarta - Sebuah pesan dengan nada manja tampil di layar komputer: sayang kapan kamu kembali ke indonesia? apa kamu kembali dengan hatimu yang dulu? Ada apa di balik pesan itu?

Pesan yang muncul dalam sebuah file teks itu sebenarnya adalah ulah sebuah virus komputer. Seperti disampaikan analis antivirus, Alfons Virus dengan julukan Rieysha Part 2 itu merupakan varian dari virus yang sebelumnya sempat beredar di Indonesia.

Pesan itu disusupkan virus jenis Trojan dengan nama lengkap W32/VBTroj.VNE. Ini merupakan varian dari virus sebelumnya yang berjulukan 'Nadia Saphira' alias W32/VBTroj.AOQB, yang juga merupakan turunan dari virus Bulu Bebek yang sempat beredar di Indonesia.

Pesan serupa juga bisa muncul dalam program Microsoft Word lewat file bernama "system32pesan.doc". Berikut bunyi pesan itu:

yanx kapan kamu balik?

aku sudah kangen berat nih

kenapa sih mesti pergi jauh dariku

apa kamu kembali dengan hatimu yang dulu

apa aku akan merasakan kehangatan cinta yang dulu

Beberapa ciri-ciri komputer yang terserang virus ini, selain menampilkan pesan di atas, adalah:

* Tampilan desktop wallpaper berubah menjadi pesan error.
* Format penanggalan mencantumkan kata-kata 'Rieysha'
* Mengubah nama pemilik komputer menjadi 'kamu kembali' dan 'sayang kapan'
* Mematikan beberapa fungsi Windows, termasuk Task Manager, mengaktifkan Autorun, menyembunyikan beberapa hal seperti: Shutdown, Drive, Folder Search, Folder Options, Run dan Programs (di Start Menu). (Choi)

Sumber : Detikinet.com
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Selamat Tinggal Parade Aplikasi Bawaan Windows

Namun di sisi lain ada pengguna yang sebenarnya tidak terlalu senang dengan terlalu banyak aplikasi bawaan. Gara-garanya, banyak aplikasi bawaan dirasa memberatkan dan memenuhi hardisk saja, apalagi jika banyak aplikasi itu yang kemudian tidak digunakan.

Di Windows Vista Microsoft boleh dikatakan menyesakkan cukup banyak aplikasi bawaan bersama sistem operasinya. Nah, di Windows 7, agaknya Microsoft berupaya melakukan 'diet'.

Apa yang 'Hilang'?

Beberapa aplikasi tak nampak lagi 'batang hidung'-nya di Windows 7, meskipun di Windows Vista aplikasi-aplikasi ini menjadi aplikasi bawaan. Berikut adalah beberapa di antara aplikasi yang 'hilang' tersebut:

Windows Sidebar. Vista memiliki satu aplikasi yang langsung 'nongol' dan memenuhi sebagian ruang layar pengguna. Aplikasi bernama Windows Sidebar ini hanya berfungsi untuk menempelkan berbagai Gadgets (aplikasi mini) di Vista. Tanpa Sidebar, kini Gadgets --jika masih mau memakainya-- bisa ditebar di Desktop.

Windows Calendar. Aplikasi yang berfungsi untuk organisasi waktu berbasis kalender ini sudah tamat riwayatnya. Meskipun beberapa fungsi kalender/organizer akan bisa didapatkan via aplikasi gratisan Microsoft.

Windows Meeting Space. Sebuah aplikasi untuk kolaborasi bernama Windows Meeting Space yang sejujurnya detikINET tak pernah menemukan kegunaannya. Untung Microsoft sudah menghabisi aplikasi ini.

Windows Ultimate Extras. Dulu, bagi pengguna Windows Vista Ultimate, ada satu bundel aplikasi bernama Extras. Di Windows 7 versi Ultimate, kumpulan aplikasi tambahan ini sudah tak lagi diikutkan.

Tiada Tapi Tak Hilang

Selain aplikasi di atas, ada juga beberapa aplikasi yang sebelumnya terbundel bersama Windows Vista namun tak ada di Windows 7 akan tetapi bia didapatkan kembali. Aplikasi-aplikasi ini bisa didapatkan dengan mengunduh paket bernama Windows Live Essentials.

daftar beberapa aplikasi yang bisa 'dikembalikan' dengan mengunduh paket Windows Live Essentials:

Windows Live Mail. Aplikasi ini akan mengembalikan sebuah aplikasi pengatur email ala Outlook Express di Windows XP. Selain itu aplikasi ini memiliki kemampuan organisasi alamat kontak dan kalender.

Windows Live Messenger. Aplikasi klien untuk pesan instan dari Microsoft. Aplikasi ini menggantikan Windows Messenger atau MSN Messenger.

Windows Live Photo Gallery. Aplikasi ini bisa digunakan untuk manajemen foto dan video di dalam komputer.

Windows Live Movie Maker. Editor file video untuk Windows 7, menggantikan Windows Movie Maker yang dulu ada di Vista dan XP.

Beberapa Aplikasi

Tentunya, Microsoft tidak sepenuhnya meniadakan aplikasi-aplikasi bawaan dari Windows 7. Beberapa yang masih tersisa adalah aplikasi yang relatif lebih sering digunakan oleh pengguna Windows.

Hal-hal seperti games bawaan Windows --termasuk Solitaire, tentunya-- masih tersedia di Windows 7. Selain itu, aplikasi umum seperti Wordpad, Paint, Windows Media Player, Internet Explorer dan juga Snipping Tools juga terpaket di dalamnya.

Perubahan cukup nyata bisa dilihat pada aplikasi bawaan Wordpad dan Paint. Kedua aplikasi itu kini memanfaatkan gaya antarmuka Ribbon seperti yang digunakan di Microsoft Office 2007.

Windows Media Player relatif tidak menampakkan perubahan yang drastis. Sedangkan untuk Internet Explorer, tentunya yang dipaketkan adalah IE versi terbaru dari Microsoft.

Perubahan lainnya bisa dilihat pada aplikasi Calculator. Tampilan aplikasi tersebut mengalami perubahan cukup signifikan pada Windows 7, termasuk tambahan fungsi dan kemampuan yang lebih 'perkasa'.

Beberapa modus yang tersedia pada Calculator di Windows 7 adalah Standard, Scientific, Programmer dan Statistics. Sedangkan fungsi tambahannya termasuk fungsi konversi satuan, hitung tanggal dan juga worksheet.

Secara keseluruhan, berkurangnya aplikasi bawaan di Windows 7 sebenarnya suatu hal yang positif. Ini mencerminkan sikap Microsoft yang tidak lagi berusaha menjejali penggunanya dengan berbagai piranti lunak yang nantinya toh tak akan dipakai.

Apalagi di Windows 7 Microsoft pun menyediakan cara untuk mencopot beberapa aplikasi bawaan yang ada. Termasuk di antaranya adalah Internet Explorer dan Windows Media Player, penggemar Mozilla Firefox pun bisa dengan tenang menjadikan piranti lunak itu satu-satunya browser di komputernya. (Choi)

Sumber : Detikinet.com
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Microsoft Tawarkan Upgrade Tool Windows 7 via USB

Jakarta - Microsoft menawarkan upgrade tool Windows 7 via USB. Tentunya ini adalah solusi bagi para pengguna netbook, yang tak memiliki DVD drive. Alhasil pengguna bisa memanfaatkan sebuah USB flash disk, sebagai pengganti DVD untuk menginstall Windows 7.

Tools tersebut bekerja dengan membuat sebuah bootable flash drive, dari disk image pada Windows 7, dan bisa didapatkan dari Microsoft Online Store.

"Tools ini memungkinkan Anda untuk membuat sebuah copy dari file .iso, ke USB Flash Disk atau DVD," tulis Microsoft pada halaman situsnya yang dikutip detikINET, Senin (26/10/2009).

"Untuk menginstall Windows 7 dari USB atau DVD, yang anda butuhkan hanyalah memasukkan USB/DVD tersebut, dan jalankan Setup.exe dari root folder drive tersebut," tulis Microsoft dalam keterangan di situsnya.

Pengguna hanya membutuhkan USB sebesar 4 GB, untuk membenamkan Windows 7 pada PC mereka, tanpa optical drive. Syarat lain yang dibutuhkan hanyalah Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 atau versi di atasnya. (Choi)

Sumber : Detikinet.com
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Adobe Tawarkan Photoshop Lightroom 3 Beta

Jakarta - Adobe menawarkan Photosop Lightroom 3 beta, bagi Mac dan Windows. Ini adalah salah satu software yang 'wajib' digunakan para fotografer. Pasalnya pada versi 3 ini, Adobe menambahkan fitur-fitur menarik, yang membuat para fotografer dapat mengolah foto serta mengarsipnya secara mudah.

Walaupun masih versi beta, namun Adobe percaya bahwa produknya tersebut bakal membawa pengalaman baru dalam menggunakan Photoshop.

"Kami sangat beruntung karena komunitas fotografer telah berkumpul di sekitar Lightroom, untuk membantu mengembangkan aplikasi serta membuatnya menjadi bermakna dari alur kerja fotografi."

Pada dasarnya Lightroom 3 beta telah didesain ulang, dengan beberapa fitur yang lebih efisien. Berdasar situs resmi Adobe, berikut ini adalah beberapa fitur baru tersebut:

1. Arsitektur Baru, image libararies kini hadir dengan tampilan baru.
2. Noise Reduction, fitur yang membantu kejelasan gambar saat diambil dengan ISO tinggi.
3. Watermark tool, fitur yang dapat dikustomisasi serta untuk melindungi hak cipta foto.
4. Slideshow Dengan Audio, kini slideshow pada Photshop Lightroom dapat diekspor dengan menggunakan audio.
5. Film grain simulation tool, fitur untuk menciptakan style grain yang lebih atraktif.
6. Pilihan online publishing yang lebih fleksibel, memungkinkan pengguna mengupload foto mereka dalam situs-situs foto sharing layaknya Flickr secara langsung, dari dalam Lightroom sendiri. (Choi)

Sumber : Detikinet.com
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