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Minggu, 26 Juli 2009
Film Uighur Tayang, Hacker China Rusak Situs Australia
MELBOURNE - Hacker China kembali melancarkan serangannya. Kali ini yang menjadi sasaran adalah sebuah situs tentang festival film terbesar di Australia.
Para peretas sengaja melakukan aksi ilegal itu karena mereka tersinggung dengan pihak panitia penyelenggara festival. Pasalnya, dalam salah satu agenda akan menampilkan sebuah film dokumenter mengenai tokoh etnis Muslim Uighur, Rebiya Kadeer.
Situs itu telah diubah tampilan dan diganti dengan bendera China. Selain menyusup dan memasang bendera, hacker juga mengkritik keinginan festival itu dalam menyajikan film yang berjudul l The 10 Conditions of Love tersebut.
Sebelumnya, Konsulat China telah mengontak penyelenggaran Melbourne International Film Festival dan mendesak mereka membuang sebuah film yang bercerita tentang perempuan pengusaha Uighur, Rebiya Kadeer, yang diasingkan ke luar negeri, serta hubungannya dengan suaminya yang juga seorang aktivis, Sidik Rouzi, serta 11 anaknya. 3 anak Kadeer kini telah ditahan Pemerintah China. Selama ini Kadeer dikenal atas perjuangannya mendesak otonomi bagi Uighur yang dihuni 10 juta warga Muslim.
Pemerintah China belum lama ini menuduh Kadeer sebagai otak di balik kerusuhan etnis di Provinsi Xinjiang, antara etnis Muslim Uighur dan etnis mayoritas Han.
Akan tetapi, direktur festival Richard Moore menegaskan tidak akan menarik film yang rencananya akan tayang pada 8 Agustus mendatang. "Saya tidak akan tunduk pada keinginan penguasa China," jelas Moore.
Saat ini Moore telah menyerahkan kasus ini kepada kepolisian Australia. Pihak berwajib pun tengah menelusuri aksi yang diyakini dilakukan China tersebut, terlihat dari alamat internet yang teridentifikasi. (Choi)
Sumber : Okezone.com
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Para peretas sengaja melakukan aksi ilegal itu karena mereka tersinggung dengan pihak panitia penyelenggara festival. Pasalnya, dalam salah satu agenda akan menampilkan sebuah film dokumenter mengenai tokoh etnis Muslim Uighur, Rebiya Kadeer.
Situs itu telah diubah tampilan dan diganti dengan bendera China. Selain menyusup dan memasang bendera, hacker juga mengkritik keinginan festival itu dalam menyajikan film yang berjudul l The 10 Conditions of Love tersebut.
Sebelumnya, Konsulat China telah mengontak penyelenggaran Melbourne International Film Festival dan mendesak mereka membuang sebuah film yang bercerita tentang perempuan pengusaha Uighur, Rebiya Kadeer, yang diasingkan ke luar negeri, serta hubungannya dengan suaminya yang juga seorang aktivis, Sidik Rouzi, serta 11 anaknya. 3 anak Kadeer kini telah ditahan Pemerintah China. Selama ini Kadeer dikenal atas perjuangannya mendesak otonomi bagi Uighur yang dihuni 10 juta warga Muslim.
Pemerintah China belum lama ini menuduh Kadeer sebagai otak di balik kerusuhan etnis di Provinsi Xinjiang, antara etnis Muslim Uighur dan etnis mayoritas Han.
Akan tetapi, direktur festival Richard Moore menegaskan tidak akan menarik film yang rencananya akan tayang pada 8 Agustus mendatang. "Saya tidak akan tunduk pada keinginan penguasa China," jelas Moore.
Saat ini Moore telah menyerahkan kasus ini kepada kepolisian Australia. Pihak berwajib pun tengah menelusuri aksi yang diyakini dilakukan China tersebut, terlihat dari alamat internet yang teridentifikasi. (Choi)
Sumber : Okezone.com
Revenue Microsoft Semakin Anjlok?
NEW YORK - Harga saham Microsoft diprediksi semakin anjlok. Bahkan pada kuartal keempat tahun kinerja mereka yang berakhir Juni ini.
Microsoft menutup pasar dengan harga saham senilai USD23,45 atau turun sekira 8,26 persen dari harga saat pembukaan.
Microsoft juga mengumumkan, pada laporan kuartal ke empat mereka, net profit Microsoft turun sekira 29 persen menjadi USD3,05 miliar. Bahkan revenue Microsoft juga turun 17 persen menjadi USD13,1 miliar. Hal ini diperkirakan akibat melemahnya pasar komputer global.
"Munculnya banyak segmen produk yang digarap Microsoft, mulai dari enterprise, small business dan konsumer, membuat Microsoft harus terseret dalam kondisi pasar di berbagai segmen tersebut. Apalagi saat ini, segmen-segmen tersebut juga sedang mengalami penurunan. Khususnya di lingkungan PC dan server."
"Kami percaya, meski ada indikasi pasar PC dan server akan mulai stabil namun belum tentu hal ini akan berlangsung juga di tubuh Microsoft. Setidaknya sampai tahun 2010, setelah mereka menelurkan Windows7 pada 7 Oktober nanti," tambahnya. (Choi)
Sumber : Okezone.com
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Microsoft menutup pasar dengan harga saham senilai USD23,45 atau turun sekira 8,26 persen dari harga saat pembukaan.
Microsoft juga mengumumkan, pada laporan kuartal ke empat mereka, net profit Microsoft turun sekira 29 persen menjadi USD3,05 miliar. Bahkan revenue Microsoft juga turun 17 persen menjadi USD13,1 miliar. Hal ini diperkirakan akibat melemahnya pasar komputer global.
"Munculnya banyak segmen produk yang digarap Microsoft, mulai dari enterprise, small business dan konsumer, membuat Microsoft harus terseret dalam kondisi pasar di berbagai segmen tersebut. Apalagi saat ini, segmen-segmen tersebut juga sedang mengalami penurunan. Khususnya di lingkungan PC dan server."
"Kami percaya, meski ada indikasi pasar PC dan server akan mulai stabil namun belum tentu hal ini akan berlangsung juga di tubuh Microsoft. Setidaknya sampai tahun 2010, setelah mereka menelurkan Windows7 pada 7 Oktober nanti," tambahnya. (Choi)
Sumber : Okezone.com
Sinergi Intel-Microsoft Buat Windows 7 Makin Kencang
CALIFORNIA - Kemesraan Microsoft dan Intel semakin terlihat saat mereka bekerja sama dalam mengembangkan Windows 7, yang sebentar lagi akan segera dirilis.
Sebuah kerja sama antara Microsoft dan Intel ini dimaksudakan untuk dapat membuat Windows 7 mampu meningkatkan multithread dan multicore chip Intel saat penggunaan aplikasi komputer. Produk yang dinamai SMT (simultaneou multi-threading) meringankan tugas berat komputer.
"Nantinya cara kerja seperti encoding video dan image filtering akan dipecah dalam beberapa jaringan. Semakin banyak core yang anda punya, maka akan semakin baik."
Selain itu juga, baik Intel maupun Microsoft tengah memaksimalkan kinerja driver dan BIOS level, sehingga mampu menjadikan notebook dapat melakukan booting dan shut down dengan cepat.
"Kartu chip Intel Nehalem mampu memenuhi keinginan kami, dan sinergi dengan Windows 7 memang untuk mendukung kinerja Intel Nehalem," tambah Alfs.
Seperti diketahui, Intel dan Microsoft sudah saling bekerja sama sejak 20 tahun lalu. Keduanya saling mengisi untuk mendominsai pasar PC. Bahkan kabarnya kerja sama kedua perusahaan juga akan dilakukan di sektor hardware. Namun sayang, kedua perusahaan raksasa itu belum mau berbicara banyak. (Choi)
Sumber : Okezone.com
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Sebuah kerja sama antara Microsoft dan Intel ini dimaksudakan untuk dapat membuat Windows 7 mampu meningkatkan multithread dan multicore chip Intel saat penggunaan aplikasi komputer. Produk yang dinamai SMT (simultaneou multi-threading) meringankan tugas berat komputer.
"Nantinya cara kerja seperti encoding video dan image filtering akan dipecah dalam beberapa jaringan. Semakin banyak core yang anda punya, maka akan semakin baik."
Selain itu juga, baik Intel maupun Microsoft tengah memaksimalkan kinerja driver dan BIOS level, sehingga mampu menjadikan notebook dapat melakukan booting dan shut down dengan cepat.
"Kartu chip Intel Nehalem mampu memenuhi keinginan kami, dan sinergi dengan Windows 7 memang untuk mendukung kinerja Intel Nehalem," tambah Alfs.
Seperti diketahui, Intel dan Microsoft sudah saling bekerja sama sejak 20 tahun lalu. Keduanya saling mengisi untuk mendominsai pasar PC. Bahkan kabarnya kerja sama kedua perusahaan juga akan dilakukan di sektor hardware. Namun sayang, kedua perusahaan raksasa itu belum mau berbicara banyak. (Choi)
Sumber : Okezone.com
Windows 7.
What Will Apple’s Big Tablet Cost?
If Apple doesn't introduce a tablet computer soon, we'll all be sorely disappointed. With all the ongoing speculation about the alleged iPod-on-steroids, I feel like the device is already here.
Today's scuttlebutt from Apple Insider has the Big Tablet arriving early next year, a prediction that matches one two months ago by Piper Jaffray analyst Gene Munster.
So what do we know about the tablet? Reports say it's an iPod-like device with a 10-inch screen, a handheld slate that's large enough for HD movies, video gaming, and Web browsing without all the window-resizing and screen-tapping calisthenics that smartphone users endure. Apple Insider says the tablet will feature 3G broadband, which seems logical. And since we're speculating here, I'd like to request Wi-fi, Bluetooth, and GPS as well.
Name Your Price
Specs aside, what should Apple charge for the Big Tablet? Some reports say $800 is likely, but that seems high for a consumer electronics device. My prediction: $499. Here's why:
According to a 2007 study by the Consumer Electronics Association (CEA), the average American household spends about $1200 annually on electronics products. Would the typical household blow two-thirds of its tech budget on one handheld device? Probably not.
And that CEA study was two years ago -- before the current recession and consumers' belt-tightening ways. To me, $500 seems like the sweet spot for a premium consumer gadget.
And then there's Apple's product lineup. Currently, there's a big gulf between the 32GB iPod touch ($399) and the $999 MacBook. Let's assume Apple drops the iPod touch price, as it did recently with some of its MacBooks. The Big Tablet would fill the void nicely at $499.
Of course, for Apple to achieve its desired profit margin, that $500 price tag may include a 3G service contract with a major wireless carrier. Given the enormous success of the iPhone, it wouldn't be surprising if AT&T, Sprint, or Verizon would be willing to subsidize the tablet's cost to sign up new subscribers. Netbooks with wireless-style plans are becoming increasing common, so the subsidized model for consumer hardware is already in place.
And, no, I didn't call the Big Tablet a netbook. Apple would hate that. (Choi)
Sumber : yahoo.com
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Today's scuttlebutt from Apple Insider has the Big Tablet arriving early next year, a prediction that matches one two months ago by Piper Jaffray analyst Gene Munster.
So what do we know about the tablet? Reports say it's an iPod-like device with a 10-inch screen, a handheld slate that's large enough for HD movies, video gaming, and Web browsing without all the window-resizing and screen-tapping calisthenics that smartphone users endure. Apple Insider says the tablet will feature 3G broadband, which seems logical. And since we're speculating here, I'd like to request Wi-fi, Bluetooth, and GPS as well.
Name Your Price
Specs aside, what should Apple charge for the Big Tablet? Some reports say $800 is likely, but that seems high for a consumer electronics device. My prediction: $499. Here's why:
According to a 2007 study by the Consumer Electronics Association (CEA), the average American household spends about $1200 annually on electronics products. Would the typical household blow two-thirds of its tech budget on one handheld device? Probably not.
And that CEA study was two years ago -- before the current recession and consumers' belt-tightening ways. To me, $500 seems like the sweet spot for a premium consumer gadget.
And then there's Apple's product lineup. Currently, there's a big gulf between the 32GB iPod touch ($399) and the $999 MacBook. Let's assume Apple drops the iPod touch price, as it did recently with some of its MacBooks. The Big Tablet would fill the void nicely at $499.
Of course, for Apple to achieve its desired profit margin, that $500 price tag may include a 3G service contract with a major wireless carrier. Given the enormous success of the iPhone, it wouldn't be surprising if AT&T, Sprint, or Verizon would be willing to subsidize the tablet's cost to sign up new subscribers. Netbooks with wireless-style plans are becoming increasing common, so the subsidized model for consumer hardware is already in place.
And, no, I didn't call the Big Tablet a netbook. Apple would hate that. (Choi)
Sumber : yahoo.com
Microsoft to let users pick browser
BRUSSELS - Microsoft Corp. will offer computer users a choice of rival Web browsers to ward off new European Union antitrust fines, EU regulators and Microsoft said Friday.
Microsoft said its proposal, if accepted by the European Commission, would "fully address" antitrust worries over its browser and "would mark a big step forward in addressing a decade of legal issues."
The EU has charged the company with monopoly abuse for tying the Internet Explorer browser to the Windows operating system installed on most of the world's desktop computers.
It welcomed Microsoft's suggestions and said it will evaluate the proposal and seek input from other browser makers and computer companies before making a decision. If approved, the proposal could be legally binding for five years.
On the browser case, Microsoft is suggesting that users of Windows XP, Vista or its latest release Windows 7 who have Internet Explorer set as the default browser would see a Web page prompting them to pick from five of the most popular browsers in Europe. Existing Windows users would get the ballot screen from a software update.
Microsoft said the list of browsers would be reviewed twice a year based on usage data for the previous six months. Microsoft's browser is the most widely used worldwide, but Mozilla Corp.'s Firefox is gaining in popularity.
Mozilla and Google Inc. — which recently released a browser, Chrome — are supporting the case against Microsoft.
Windows would still include Internet Explorer, but users would be able to disable it. Computer manufacturers could also choose to install other browsers, set them as default and disable Internet Explorer.
The company had said in June that it would remove its browser from Windows entirely to avoid antitrust problems. Instead, it planned to give Internet Explorer away as a download or on a disc. EU regulators slammed the idea, saying the 5 percent of people who buy Windows off the shelf wouldn't have a real choice of browsers. Most people buy the software pre-installed on a computer assembled by manufacturers such as Dell Inc. or Hewlett-Packard Co.
Brad Smith, Microsoft's general counsel, said in a statement that until EU regulators rule on the company's proposal, it will continue to require PC makers to sell computers with the browserless Windows 7 "E" version in the region. Windows 7 will go on sale on Oct. 22.
The ballot screen that Microsoft is proposing is close to what regulators called for in January when they asked Microsoft to offer several browsers on Windows. Under that proposal, PC companies would have been responsible for building the browser-choosing technology. That could have conflicted with existing deals in which browser and Web search companies pay to have their products set as the default on new PCs.
Under Microsoft's plan, the software maker would handle the technology.
The original ballot-screen proposal was also backed by Norwegian mobile Internet browser maker Opera Software ASA, which triggered the EU antitrust case by complaining that Microsoft was unfairly using its power as the dominant supplier of operating system software to squeeze out rivals.
Opera lawyer Thomas Vinje welcomed Microsoft's announcement Friday but said "the devil is in the detail" on how far it would go to calm antitrust fears.
Offering the ballot screen to existing Windows users "will change the world," he said, because it would encourage developers to make cross-platform software based on Web standards instead of tailoring their work to Microsoft software.
Microsoft has said it fully complies with existing Web standards.
Regulators will also examine a new offer by Microsoft to guarantee that the technical information it shares with developers who make Windows-compatible programs is accurate and complete. The information-sharing and warranty proposal aims to settle a lengthy antitrust row that has racked up nearly euro1.7 million ($2.42 million) in EU fines for Microsoft.
Smith said this involves "significant change by Microsoft" and was based on long talks with EU regulators.
"We believe that if ultimately accepted, this proposal will fully address the European competition law issues relating to the inclusion of Internet Explorer in Windows and interoperability with our high-volume products," he said. (Choi)
Sumber : yahoo.com
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Microsoft said its proposal, if accepted by the European Commission, would "fully address" antitrust worries over its browser and "would mark a big step forward in addressing a decade of legal issues."
The EU has charged the company with monopoly abuse for tying the Internet Explorer browser to the Windows operating system installed on most of the world's desktop computers.
It welcomed Microsoft's suggestions and said it will evaluate the proposal and seek input from other browser makers and computer companies before making a decision. If approved, the proposal could be legally binding for five years.
On the browser case, Microsoft is suggesting that users of Windows XP, Vista or its latest release Windows 7 who have Internet Explorer set as the default browser would see a Web page prompting them to pick from five of the most popular browsers in Europe. Existing Windows users would get the ballot screen from a software update.
Microsoft said the list of browsers would be reviewed twice a year based on usage data for the previous six months. Microsoft's browser is the most widely used worldwide, but Mozilla Corp.'s Firefox is gaining in popularity.
Mozilla and Google Inc. — which recently released a browser, Chrome — are supporting the case against Microsoft.
Windows would still include Internet Explorer, but users would be able to disable it. Computer manufacturers could also choose to install other browsers, set them as default and disable Internet Explorer.
The company had said in June that it would remove its browser from Windows entirely to avoid antitrust problems. Instead, it planned to give Internet Explorer away as a download or on a disc. EU regulators slammed the idea, saying the 5 percent of people who buy Windows off the shelf wouldn't have a real choice of browsers. Most people buy the software pre-installed on a computer assembled by manufacturers such as Dell Inc. or Hewlett-Packard Co.
Brad Smith, Microsoft's general counsel, said in a statement that until EU regulators rule on the company's proposal, it will continue to require PC makers to sell computers with the browserless Windows 7 "E" version in the region. Windows 7 will go on sale on Oct. 22.
The ballot screen that Microsoft is proposing is close to what regulators called for in January when they asked Microsoft to offer several browsers on Windows. Under that proposal, PC companies would have been responsible for building the browser-choosing technology. That could have conflicted with existing deals in which browser and Web search companies pay to have their products set as the default on new PCs.
Under Microsoft's plan, the software maker would handle the technology.
The original ballot-screen proposal was also backed by Norwegian mobile Internet browser maker Opera Software ASA, which triggered the EU antitrust case by complaining that Microsoft was unfairly using its power as the dominant supplier of operating system software to squeeze out rivals.
Opera lawyer Thomas Vinje welcomed Microsoft's announcement Friday but said "the devil is in the detail" on how far it would go to calm antitrust fears.
Offering the ballot screen to existing Windows users "will change the world," he said, because it would encourage developers to make cross-platform software based on Web standards instead of tailoring their work to Microsoft software.
Microsoft has said it fully complies with existing Web standards.
Regulators will also examine a new offer by Microsoft to guarantee that the technical information it shares with developers who make Windows-compatible programs is accurate and complete. The information-sharing and warranty proposal aims to settle a lengthy antitrust row that has racked up nearly euro1.7 million ($2.42 million) in EU fines for Microsoft.
Smith said this involves "significant change by Microsoft" and was based on long talks with EU regulators.
"We believe that if ultimately accepted, this proposal will fully address the European competition law issues relating to the inclusion of Internet Explorer in Windows and interoperability with our high-volume products," he said. (Choi)
Sumber : yahoo.com
Microsoft to let users pick browser
BRUSSELS - Microsoft Corp. will offer computer users a choice of rival Web browsers to ward off new European Union antitrust fines, EU regulators and Microsoft said Friday.
Microsoft said its proposal, if accepted by the European Commission, would "fully address" antitrust worries over its browser and "would mark a big step forward in addressing a decade of legal issues."
The EU has charged the company with monopoly abuse for tying the Internet Explorer browser to the Windows operating system installed on most of the world's desktop computers.
It welcomed Microsoft's suggestions and said it will evaluate the proposal and seek input from other browser makers and computer companies before making a decision. If approved, the proposal could be legally binding for five years.
On the browser case, Microsoft is suggesting that users of Windows XP, Vista or its latest release Windows 7 who have Internet Explorer set as the default browser would see a Web page prompting them to pick from five of the most popular browsers in Europe. Existing Windows users would get the ballot screen from a software update.
Microsoft said the list of browsers would be reviewed twice a year based on usage data for the previous six months. Microsoft's browser is the most widely used worldwide, but Mozilla Corp.'s Firefox is gaining in popularity.
Mozilla and Google Inc. — which recently released a browser, Chrome — are supporting the case against Microsoft.
Windows would still include Internet Explorer, but users would be able to disable it. Computer manufacturers could also choose to install other browsers, set them as default and disable Internet Explorer.
The company had said in June that it would remove its browser from Windows entirely to avoid antitrust problems. Instead, it planned to give Internet Explorer away as a download or on a disc. EU regulators slammed the idea, saying the 5 percent of people who buy Windows off the shelf wouldn't have a real choice of browsers. Most people buy the software pre-installed on a computer assembled by manufacturers such as Dell Inc. or Hewlett-Packard Co.
Brad Smith, Microsoft's general counsel, said in a statement that until EU regulators rule on the company's proposal, it will continue to require PC makers to sell computers with the browserless Windows 7 "E" version in the region. Windows 7 will go on sale on Oct. 22.
The ballot screen that Microsoft is proposing is close to what regulators called for in January when they asked Microsoft to offer several browsers on Windows. Under that proposal, PC companies would have been responsible for building the browser-choosing technology. That could have conflicted with existing deals in which browser and Web search companies pay to have their products set as the default on new PCs.
Under Microsoft's plan, the software maker would handle the technology.
The original ballot-screen proposal was also backed by Norwegian mobile Internet browser maker Opera Software ASA, which triggered the EU antitrust case by complaining that Microsoft was unfairly using its power as the dominant supplier of operating system software to squeeze out rivals.
Opera lawyer Thomas Vinje welcomed Microsoft's announcement Friday but said "the devil is in the detail" on how far it would go to calm antitrust fears.
Offering the ballot screen to existing Windows users "will change the world," he said, because it would encourage developers to make cross-platform software based on Web standards instead of tailoring their work to Microsoft software.
Microsoft has said it fully complies with existing Web standards.
Regulators will also examine a new offer by Microsoft to guarantee that the technical information it shares with developers who make Windows-compatible programs is accurate and complete. The information-sharing and warranty proposal aims to settle a lengthy antitrust row that has racked up nearly euro1.7 million ($2.42 million) in EU fines for Microsoft.
Smith said this involves "significant change by Microsoft" and was based on long talks with EU regulators.
"We believe that if ultimately accepted, this proposal will fully address the European competition law issues relating to the inclusion of Internet Explorer in Windows and interoperability with our high-volume products," he said. (Choi)
Sumber : yahoo.com
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Microsoft said its proposal, if accepted by the European Commission, would "fully address" antitrust worries over its browser and "would mark a big step forward in addressing a decade of legal issues."
The EU has charged the company with monopoly abuse for tying the Internet Explorer browser to the Windows operating system installed on most of the world's desktop computers.
It welcomed Microsoft's suggestions and said it will evaluate the proposal and seek input from other browser makers and computer companies before making a decision. If approved, the proposal could be legally binding for five years.
On the browser case, Microsoft is suggesting that users of Windows XP, Vista or its latest release Windows 7 who have Internet Explorer set as the default browser would see a Web page prompting them to pick from five of the most popular browsers in Europe. Existing Windows users would get the ballot screen from a software update.
Microsoft said the list of browsers would be reviewed twice a year based on usage data for the previous six months. Microsoft's browser is the most widely used worldwide, but Mozilla Corp.'s Firefox is gaining in popularity.
Mozilla and Google Inc. — which recently released a browser, Chrome — are supporting the case against Microsoft.
Windows would still include Internet Explorer, but users would be able to disable it. Computer manufacturers could also choose to install other browsers, set them as default and disable Internet Explorer.
The company had said in June that it would remove its browser from Windows entirely to avoid antitrust problems. Instead, it planned to give Internet Explorer away as a download or on a disc. EU regulators slammed the idea, saying the 5 percent of people who buy Windows off the shelf wouldn't have a real choice of browsers. Most people buy the software pre-installed on a computer assembled by manufacturers such as Dell Inc. or Hewlett-Packard Co.
Brad Smith, Microsoft's general counsel, said in a statement that until EU regulators rule on the company's proposal, it will continue to require PC makers to sell computers with the browserless Windows 7 "E" version in the region. Windows 7 will go on sale on Oct. 22.
The ballot screen that Microsoft is proposing is close to what regulators called for in January when they asked Microsoft to offer several browsers on Windows. Under that proposal, PC companies would have been responsible for building the browser-choosing technology. That could have conflicted with existing deals in which browser and Web search companies pay to have their products set as the default on new PCs.
Under Microsoft's plan, the software maker would handle the technology.
The original ballot-screen proposal was also backed by Norwegian mobile Internet browser maker Opera Software ASA, which triggered the EU antitrust case by complaining that Microsoft was unfairly using its power as the dominant supplier of operating system software to squeeze out rivals.
Opera lawyer Thomas Vinje welcomed Microsoft's announcement Friday but said "the devil is in the detail" on how far it would go to calm antitrust fears.
Offering the ballot screen to existing Windows users "will change the world," he said, because it would encourage developers to make cross-platform software based on Web standards instead of tailoring their work to Microsoft software.
Microsoft has said it fully complies with existing Web standards.
Regulators will also examine a new offer by Microsoft to guarantee that the technical information it shares with developers who make Windows-compatible programs is accurate and complete. The information-sharing and warranty proposal aims to settle a lengthy antitrust row that has racked up nearly euro1.7 million ($2.42 million) in EU fines for Microsoft.
Smith said this involves "significant change by Microsoft" and was based on long talks with EU regulators.
"We believe that if ultimately accepted, this proposal will fully address the European competition law issues relating to the inclusion of Internet Explorer in Windows and interoperability with our high-volume products," he said. (Choi)
Sumber : yahoo.com
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