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Senin, 09 November 2009

Twitter Sapu Bersih Spam dari Trending Topics

Jakarta - Banyaknya pesan sampah (spam) yang menodai trending topics (TT) disadari benar oleh pihak Twitter. Tak ingin para Tweeps--pengguna Twitter--terganggu, sampah-sampah yang ada di TT akan segera disapu bersih demi menjaga kualitasnya.

Seperti diketahui, TT merupakan acuan bagi para pengguna Twitter untuk melihat topik terkini yang sedang seru-serunya. Namun sayangnya, banyak pihak-pihak tertentu yang ingin menunggangi tren ini untuk tujuan pribadi melalui tautan spam.

Jelas, banyaknya TT yang berisi spam yang menyebalkan, membuat para Tweeps sedikit enggan menengok ke daftar yang berada di kolom sebelah kanan situs mikroblogging ini.

Alhasil, untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut, pihak Twitter pun memutuskan untuk mulai menyapu fitur andalannya tersebut agar lebih nyaman dinikmati dan tidak tercemar spam lagi.

"Kami tengah bekerja untuk menawarkan daftar topik yang berkualitas dengan cara mengembalikan tweet-tweet yang lebih berguna." (Choi)

Sumber : Detikinet.com
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Microsoft Ungguli Yahoo, Google dan Facebook

Jakarta - Kabar baik bagi Microsoft di tengah persaingan yang kian ketat di dunia internet. Sebab berdasarkan data dari ComScore, raksasa software ini jadi penguasa soal jumlah waktu yang dihabiskan user di situs-situsnya untuk bulan September 2009.

Data dari layanan comScore World Metrix mengungkap bahwa situs milik Microsoft menguasai 15% waktu yang dihabiskan untuk online para pengguna internet di seluruh dunia. Perusahaan yang berbasis di Redmond ini pun mengandaskan Google dan Yahoo di posisi kedua dan ketiga.

Lalu bagaimana kabar Facebook? Situs jejaring paling populer ini harus puas nangkring di tempat keempat. Namun mereka tetap pantas bergembira karena terjadi pertumbuhan pesat di mana user menghabiskan 1,4 miliar jam di Facebook, naik 193% dari periode tahun sebelumnya.

Windows Live Messenger jadi andalan Microsoft dalam meraih kemenangannya, karena menarik paling banyak waktu akses, yakni sebesar 70%. Sedangkan akses ke Google banyak terbantu dengan kunjungan ke YouTube.

Microsoft tercatat berkuasa di area Eropa, Amerika Latin dan Timur Tengah. Sedangkan di Amerika Utara, Yahoo yang berhasil jadi jawaranya.

"Di saat ekonomi AS baru saja berkembang dari resesi, banyak korporasi multinasional beralih fokus strategi pertumbuhannya ke pasar yang sedang berkembang dan internet memegang peranan penting dalam strategi itu," ujar EVP ComScore Media Metrix, Jack Flanagan mengenai manfaat penelitian ini. (Choi)

Sumber : Detikinet.com
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Asus Latah Kembangkan Laptop 3D

Jakarta - Beberapa waktu lalu, Acer mengumumkan telah mengembangkan laptop 3D yang hadir tanpa grafis khusus ataupun kacamata. Seolah tak mau ketinggalan, Asus juga siap meluncurkan komputer jinjing 3D. Berdasarkan data dari RegHardware -- tak seperti Acer -- laptop yang ditawarkan Asus tersebut menggunakan kacamata khusus.

Laptop tersebut bakal menggunakan grafis NVIDIA GeForce GTX160M dengan chip sebesar 1GB, serta video memori DDR3 dedicated. Tentunya teknologi yang digunakan adalah NVIDIA's 3D Vision, milik si kubu hijau.

Dijelaskan juga bahwa grafis GeForce tersebut bakal berpasangan dengan prosesor Intel Core i7 720QM CPU, RAM 4GB DDR3 1066MHz, storage 640GB (dual 320GB HDDs RAID), combo Blu-ray reader serta DVD writer, monitor 15.6-inch, 1920x1080 (Full HD) LED-backlit display yang berjalan pada 120Hz.

Diperkirakan, laptop ROG tersebut bakal menyambangi pasar di tahun 2010. Sayang, belum ada informasi kisaran harga laptop yang ditujukan bagi maniak game tersebut. (Choi)

Sumber : Detikinet.com
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Ultah Firefox, Mozilla Lampaui Target 10%

SAN FRANSISCO - Browser open source Mozilla Firefox merayakan ulang tahunnya yang pertama tahun ini dengan kegembiraan. Pasalnya mereka mampu melampaui target sebelum akhir tahun.

Setahun yang lalu, tepat tanggal 9 November 2008, Mozilla Foundation meluncurkan Firefox 1.0. Saat itu pula, sekira 7.000 penggemar Firefox mengadakan pesta di 350 lokasi di seluruh dunia secara bersamaan.

"Dulu pasar browser dianggap cukup menjanjikan bagi Mozilla. Setahun kemudian, tepatnya saat ini, kami sudah bisa menaklukkan para pengguna internet dengan cara yang memuaskan," ujar Presiden Mozilla Tristan Nitot, seperti dikutip melalui ZD Net, Senin (9/11/2009).

Awalnya, lanjut Nitot, Mozilla merasa pesimistis dengan kemampuan Firefox masuk ke pasar browser internet. Bahkan ia hanya menargetkan menguasai sekira 10 persen pasar browser dunia hingga akhir 2009 ini. Pasalnya pesaing Firefox adalah perusahaan-perusahaan yang sudah mantap, khususnya Internet Explorer milik Microsoft, yang kala itu meluncurkan versi ke-7 nya bersamaan dengan kemunculan Firefox.

Namun ternyata pesimistis itu terhalau sudah. Pekan kemarin, menurut data perusahaan riset OneStat, Firefox telah meraih sekira 11,5 persen pangsa pasar browser. Meski angka ini masih jauh dari pangsa milik IE namun Mozilla sangat bergembira dengan raihan ini.

Saat ini, aku Nitot, Mozilla sedang mempersiapkan Firefox versi 1.5 yang diprekirakan akan diluncurkan akhir tahun ini. (Choi)

Sumber : Okezone.com
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Program Murah Dongkrak Penjualan Windows 7

SAN FRANSISCO - Perusahaan riset NPD Group menyatakan peralihan Windows XP dan Vista ke Windows 7 telah melonjak dengan signifikan. Bahkan melampaui antusiasme Vista di awal 2007.

"Program Windows 7 yang dibandrol dengan harga sangat murah dan promo pemasaran yang cukup agreif merupakan beberapa hal yang membuat Windows 7 langsung melejit di pasaran," ujar Vice President NPD Stephen Baker, seperti dikutip melalui Telegraph, Senin (9/11/2009).

Menurut temuan NPD, lanjut Baker, penjualan Windows 7 mampu mencapai 234 persen lebih tinggi dibanding hasil yang pernah diraih Vista yang meluncur pada Januari 2007 lalu.

Bahkan ditambahkan CEO Microsoft Steve Ballmer, Windows 7 juga mampu mendongkrak penjualan PC baru. Pasalnya, menurut Ballmer, banyak pengguna komputer yang lebih memilih meng-upgrade hardware mereka ketimbang software.

"Ini merupakan pola baru dalam industri komputer. Pengguna komputer tidak membeli sistem operasinya melainkan mereka membeli komputer yang sudah terintegrasi dengan sistem operasi tersebut," papar Ballmer.

Windows 7 sendiri telah meluncur sejak 22 Oktober lalu dan langsung menjadi barang yang diinginkan oleh pengguna internet. Bahkan Amazon menyatakan mereka mendapatkan banyak permintaan untuk sistem operasi tersebut melebihi permintaan yang pernah dilayangkan untuk buku Harry Potter. (Choi)

Sumber : Okezone.com
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First IPhone Worm Spreads Rick Astley Wallpaper

The first worm written for Apple's iPhone has been unleashed and is infecting phones in Australia.

However, the worm, known as Ikee, is only a threat to users who have jaibroken their phones to let them run unauthorized software, security experts say.

In fact, Ikee doesn't do anything particularly bad -- it changes the victim's wallpaper to a photograph of 80s singer Rick Astley and then seeks out other phones to infect -- but it could be modified to do something more dangerous such as stealing sensitive information from the iPhone. "There is a real danger that someone could take this code and make it do something malicious," said Graham Cluley, a technology consultant with security vendor Sophos.

The worm does not affect most iPhone users; only those with jailbroken iPhones that are running a Unix utility called SSH (Secure Shell) with the iPhone's default password, "alpine," still in use. SSH lets someone connect to the iPhone remotely over the Internet, so installing this software with the default password in place is akin to adding an unlocked back-door to the device. It doesn't affect users who use the phone in conjunction with Network Address Translation (NAT), a popular networking technology that lets many users share the same IP address.

Security experts have known about this particular risk for some time now. Last week a Dutch hacker started hacking into iPhones that were vulnerable to this attack and demanded €5 (US$7.43) for instructions on how to fix the problem.

The worm was written Wednesday by Ashley Towns, a 21 year-old unemployed programmer from Wollogong, Australia. He hadn't heard of the Dutch incident when he released his worm, he said Sunday in an instant-message interview. "It was supposed to be a small prank i definitely wasn't expecting it to get as far as it did," he said.

Towns wanted to make the point that people should change their default iPhone passwords, especially if they're using SSH . "A lot of people especially at first thanked me," he said. "I think most people are relieved its not out to destroy their phone. I have had a few people abuse me though."

He didn't really consider the possible legal ramifications of releasing the code, something he said was "quite naive of me," Towns said.

Once the worm adds the Rick Astley wallpaper, it disables the iPhone's SSH daemon and then looks around and then looks around on the Internet for other vulnerable iPhones to infect.

Tricking victims into playing a video or looking at a picture of Rick Astley -- best known for his hit "Never Gonna Give You Up" -- is a popular Internet prank called Rickrolling.

It's not clear how many people have been affected by the worm, but Towns said that his phone alone infected about 100 other devices.

On Sunday, security vendor F-Secure said it had no confirmed reports of the worm spreading outside of Australia. F-Secure advises jailbroken iPhone users who want to secure their phones to follow these instructions.

News of the worm first started spreading several days ago, when users on an Australian technology discussion board complained that their iPhone wallpaper had been changed without authorization.

The worm's code was published Sunday by Joshua "JD" Davison, managing director with Australian ISP reseller JelTel, who earlier published a technical interview with Towns.

The worm may have upset iPhone users, but Apple may not mind. The iPhone's creator has been trying to put an end to jailbreaking for years, saying that it causes security and performance problems.

"They might be a little bit pleased to hear that people have got themselves into hot water," Cluley said. (Choi)

Sumber : Yahoo.com
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Should You Use Standby or Hibernate?

It's an age-old question: When you're done using your laptop, or just taking a break from work, should you put it to sleep, let it hibernate, or turn it all the way off?

Allow me to answer by way of a mnemonic: hibernate is great. You see, sleep mode (a.k.a. standby) puts your system into an off-like state, allowing you to pick up where you left off after just a few seconds (unlike rebooting, which can take minutes). But a PC in standby mode continues to consume battery power, so it's not uncommon to return to a "sleeping" PC to find that it's just plain dead.

Hibernate, on the other hand, writes your machine's current state to a temporary hard-drive file, then shuts down completely (much like "off"). When you start it up again, it loads that file and returns you to where you left off--no booting required.

Both ends of the hibernate process take a little longer than standby (usually 10-20 seconds, in my experience), but you avoid any of the issues that can arise when Windows suddenly loses power. What's more, standby is a notoriously flaky mode. I've encountered plenty of systems that refuse to wake up properly, so you end up losing whatever work you were trying to preserve.

Consequently, unless you're running your laptop on AC power, I recommend using hibernate most of the time.

And here's a handy related tip: You can change the function of your laptop's power button so that pressing it automatically activates hibernation. (Choi)

Sumber : PCWorld.com
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OpenOffice Introduces Multi-Button Confusion With New Mouse

WarMouse, in collaboration with the OpenOffice.org community, revealed on Friday a new open-source mouse developed specifically for users of the OpenOffice suite.

The corded pointing device, memorably dubbed the OpenOfficeMouse, features an unconventional amount of buttons, and will undoubtedly be more than welcome in the lineup of the world's weirdest mice. The OpenOfficeMouse packs in a massive 18 programmable buttons, all of which can be double-clicked, in addition to a scrollwheel, 512KB of built-in flash memory, and support for over 60 separate configurations. With that many buttons, let's just hope the OpenOfficeMouse's target users are incredibly dexterous.

In addition to its OpenOffice uses, the mouse can may draw the interest of the gaming crowd. The OpenOfficeMouse can make light work of various gaming hits, including popular titles like World Of Warcraft and Call Of Duty. Mouse designer Theodore Beale said that "you can do far more with this mouse than most people are likely to realize at first".

Sadly, OpenOffice failed to detail when the confusing new point-and-click would be hitting stores, but we did learn that when the multi-button mouse does arrive it will set you back $74.99. (Choi)

Sumber : PCWorld.com
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Windows 7 Planning Tools Ease the Upgrade Process

Businesses planning a move to Windows 7 need a more rigorous planning and assessment tool than the consumer-grade Upgrade Advisor. The early success of the operating system notwithstanding, you need to do some due diligence up front to determine if the existing hardware and software you rely on will work with the new operating system. If you only have a handful of systems to assess the Windows 7 Upgrade Advisor should do the trick. For larger deployments, the more appropriate tool is the Microsoft Assessment and Planning Toolkit 4.0--or MAP.

MAP is a Solution Accelerator from Microsoft that allows you to inventory and analyze the systems in your organization without requiring any sort of agent software to be installed on the endpoints. MAP leverages existing Microsoft technologies such as Active Directory Domain Services, the Remote Registry Service, and the Computer Browser Service to gather information and produce informative reports to help guide your IT planning.

MAP analysis and reports can help with a variety of IT planning scenarios. MAP can help inventory servers and clients on the network, identify physical servers that are not being utilized effectively, and make recommendations for consolidating servers and virtualizing roles using Hyper-V. In this case though, we're mainly interested in the ability of MAP to determine hardware compatibility and readiness for upgrading to Windows 7.

MAP identifies systems running earlier versions of Windows like Windows XP and Windows Vista, then compares the MAP scan results against Windows 7 minimum and recommended system requirements. Systems that do not meet the needs of Windows 7 for things like memory, free disk space, or processor speed are identified, and MAP makes specific recommendations for actions to take to make the system ready for Windows 7.

The resulting Windows 7 Readiness Summary report provides a simple overview of the number of systems that are ready for Windows 7, the number that are not ready, and the number that will never be ready. The MAP results deliver the information you need to get your hardware up to speed for Windows 7.

MAP is great, but it actually only tells half of the story compared with the Windows 7 Upgrade Advisor. You also have to consider the software you rely on and whether those applications will work in Windows 7. Microsoft has another Solution Accelerator to fill that need--Application Compatibility Toolkit (ACT).

Similar to MAP, ACT will scan the systems on your network and identify any software that is incompatible with Windows 7. Most applications should be able to run under Windows 7. For those critical applications that don't work in Windows 7, Microsoft provides XP Mode to bridge the gap and let you continue to run them in a virtual Windows XP system within Windows 7.

Armed with MAP and ACT results, you can plan your upgrade to Windows 7 to make it as efficient and hiccup-free as possible. A little due diligence and planning goes a long way to ensuring a smooth migration experience for your organization.

Next, determine which version of Windows 7 is right for you, and start planning your upgrade.

For more real-world tech solutions for small and midsized businesses--including cloud services, virtualization, and complete network overhauls--check out PC World's Tech Audit. (Choi)

Sumber : PCWorld.com
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Apple Plans for 'World-mode iPhone' Bad News for AT&T

The Apple rumor mill claims that work is underway to develop a 'world-mode' iPhone capable of operating on both CDMA and GSM/UMTS networks. World mode. Rumors also persist that Verizon will begin to carry the iPhone in 2010. All of these rumors suggest that the AT&T honeymoon with the iPhone is nearing an end.

A 'wordl-mode' iPhone could signal the end of exclusivity and be bad news for AT&TThese are just rumors at this point, but when a rumor is both pervasive and tenacious there is usually a reason. That gives AT&T some reason to be concerned. Without iPhone exclusivity, what does AT&T bring to the table that would entice customers to switch to, or stick with the wireless provider?

AT&T has found itself under both customer and regulatory scrutiny for a variety of issues from inadequate service to questionable business practices. Users have complained about network speed, the lack of MMS messaging (which AT&T eventually added), the lack of data tethering for the iPhone (although the device itself is technically capable). AT&T has also drawn the attention of the FTC and the FCC regarding device exclusivity and other exclusionary practices.

The move to a 'world-mode' version of the iPhone would be good news for Apple. Analysts have already suggested that Apple could double iPhone sales by dropping the exclusivity with AT&T, and the world-mode device could also enable Apple to save manufacturing costs by allowing it to manufacture just one version that serves all markets. Of course, the recent iPhone launch in China has been a bit tepid so there are no guarantees.

The news is also potentially great news for rival wireless provider Verizon. Verizon has been aggressively attacking the iPhone with recent marketing campaigns for the new Motorola Droid, but it has also been very clear that it is still open to welcoming the iPhone to its portfolio of devices. With an iPhone available from Verizon the whole Droid vs. iPhone battle becomes a win-win for Verizon because whichever you choose you could get it from Verizon.

AT&T does have devices that aren't iPhones. No, really. I know. I am an AT&T customer and I gave up my iPhone for alternate hardware. AT&T was a tough competitor before the iPhone and it seems fair to assume the company won't just fold its tent and fade away when it loses iPhone exclusivity.

There are rumors of AT&T also embracing the Google Android platform in the near future, and AT&T has generally offered the most compelling Windows Mobile devices like the HTC Tilt and the HTC Pure. I don't know if coming late to the Android party, or even adding a device as exciting as the upcoming HTC HD2 (which may or may not even come to AT&T) can replace iPhone exclusivity though.

Without the iPhone exclusivity, AT&T's only real strategic advantage right now is rollover minutes. But, rollover minutes lose relevance when all major carriers now offering some form of unlimited minutes to a select calling circle, and some form of unlimited minutes between mobile devices, and the rising popularity of calling plans with unlimited minutes to begin with.

Verizon and Sprint are working on implementing 4G networks, and AT&T is filing lawsuits because it doesn't want to look bad for having such sparse 3G coverage. Rumors of iPhone exclusivity ending have circulated for awhile. Hopefully its been enough of a warning that AT&T is working on a Plan B that involves more than adding an Android device and trying to get injunctions against clever marketing campaigns. (Choi)

Sumber : PCWorld.com
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Droid Battery Life Requires New Charging Habits

The Droid invasion landed on Friday and so far the iPhone comparisons haven't stopped. Customers showed up for midnight launches to be first to get the new Android 2.0 device, and Verizon stores haven't had any issue burning through their inventory of the new phone. There is at least one other iPhone comparison that bears noticing, though--battery life.

Motorola DroidIf you actually put the many functions of the Droid to use, your battery mileage will vary. The phone has to be powered up to be of any use beyond a glorified paper weight, so poor battery life could be an Achilles heel for the Droid invasion like the bacteria that took down the alien invasion force in War of the Worlds.

Mobile phone manufacturers like to talk about battery life in terms of talk time vs. standby time--essentially how long will the battery last if you are talking constantly, and how long will the battery last if the phone is just sitting there doing nothing. Fair enough for traditional old-school mobile phones, but smartphones are doing stuff even while they're just sitting there. Clearly we need a new way of considering battery life.

PC World senior editor Robert Strohmeyer rushed out and braved the crowd at the Verizon store to get his Droid on Friday. He took it home, charged it up until the Droid displayed a full charge, then set off for a busy day of work--new Droid in hand. He was surprised, and perhaps a little disappointed, when the Droid battery ran out of juice before he got home.

Strohmeyer says, "I can tell you that, so far, this thing consistently dies by 7:00 P.M. if I take it off the charger at 8:00 A.M. It definitely uses some serious battery. It's just a power-hungry phone."

If you're used to having a mobile phone instead of a mobile computing platform like the Droid, it may seem alarming that the device can't survive the day without a charge. The Droid battery life is not unusual, though, for smartphones and is really just indicative of the need to change charging habits to keep up with the needs of the device.

One site did a review specifically on the battery life of the Droid. For the study, the Droid screen brightness was maxed out, the screen was set to 'Never Sleep', MP3's were loaded and the media player was turned on to 'Repeat All Songs'. They even threw in an hour of Google Navigation usage while all of that was going on and still managed over 7 hours of battery life. Let's see your old flip-phone do that.

Clearly battery life is an issue. But, its an issue in the 'this device requires a shift in thinking about when and how to charge' way, and not in the 'what were they thinking when they designed this device with such short battery life' way. The iPhone has had its share of battery life complaints as well.

PC World ran a test of battery life comparing the iPhone to other smartphone devices. The test was well before the Droid came on the scene. The iPhone fared well, but fell just short of a couple BlackBerry devices. It would be interesting to conduct a new battery life comparison including the Droid and other smartphone devices. In fact, battery life tests like this should be done on a regular basis and real-world usage of the device should be considered rather than 'standby time'.

The Droid, and other smartphones, do a lot. Many of the functions like downloading email, updating social networking feeds, or staying connected with instant messaging, require constant live connections to the Internet. Even when the device appears to be 'standing by' it is really doing a number of things behind the scenes.

Until battery technology changes to double or triple capacity, you will have to change your charging habits to fit the needs of the smartphone. Instead of charging it every few days, or only charging it overnight, you need to charge the phone basically whenever it isn't being used. Driving in your car--charge the phone. Sitting at your desk--charge the phone. Sleeping at night--charge the phone. (Choi)

Sumber : PCWorld.com
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Microsoft Hardware: Value for Money

Kenyamanan; sebuah kondisi ideal yang selalu dicari setiap orang. Faktor ini juga menjadi pertimbangan utama seseorang dalam memilih computer peripheral. Beberapa saat setelah peluncuran sistem operasi terbaru Microsoft, Windows 7, Microsoft Hardware kini memperkenalkan beberapa peripheral terbarunya yang bertujuan mengoptimalkan kenyamanan pengoperasian dan kinerja dari Windows 7.

Pada kesempatan live demo product, Mr. Ian Tan, Marketing Communications & Partnership Manager menunjukkan berbagai keunggulan dari produk Microsoft Hardware. Produk pertama yang menarik perhatian CHIP adalah Microsoft Wireless Comfort Desktop 5000. Paket combo keyboard dan mouse ini diklaim memiliki tingkat ergonomik yang tinggi melalui desainnya, menjadi kenyamanan operasional terbaik. Selain mampu beroperasi tanpa kabel, keyboard pada combo Wireless Comfort Desktop 5000 memiliki tombol Taskbar yang memudahkan Anda berpindah dari satu aplikasi ke aplikasi lain (pengganti ALT + TAB pada sistem operasi Windows).

Peripheral berikutnya adalah Microsoft Wireless Mobile Keyboard 6000, keyboard paling tipis yang pernah diproduksi oleh Microsoft. Seperti halnya, Wireless Comfort Desktop 5000, Microsoft juga mengklaim tingkat ergonomik yang tinggi pada Wireless Mobile Keyboard 6000. Numeric pad pada keyboard ini hadir terpisah dari QWERTY area, memudahkan Anda membawanya bepergian bersama notebook Anda. Keyboard ini menggunakan bluetooth connectivity sehingga tidak memerlukan receiver pada sistem komputer Anda.

Anda yang sering berkomunikasi dengan video conference mungkin akan menyukai produk Microsoft Hardware berikutnya; Microsoft LifeCam Cinema. Produk ini sejatinya adalah sebuah webcam. Namun, jangan bandingkan kualitas LifeCam dengan webcam yang biasa Anda temui pada notebook. Sensor Microsoft LifeCam mampu merekam gerakan dengan kualitas 720p, autofokus hingga 10cm, dan didukung oleh teknologi ClearFrame yang akan meningkatkan kualitas video.

CHIP telah menyaksikan secara langsung kemampuan LifeCam Cinema dalam menangkap image bergerak. Walaupun berada dalam ruangan dengan intensitas cahaya yang kurang, namun LifeCam mampu menjalankan tugasnya dengan baik. Bahkan apabila Anda berada dalam ruangan yang gelap sekalipun (hanya mengandalkan cahaya dari layar monitor), hasil capture LifeCam masih terlihat baik dan jelas.

Produk terakhir yang menjadi unggulan Microsoft Hardware adalah Wireless Mobile Mouse 4000. Mouse wireless ini telah dilengkapi teknologi eksklusif Microsoft Hardware, BlueTrack. Dengan BlueTrack, Wireless Mobile Mouse mampu beroperasi di segala permukaan (kecuali kaca). Wireless Mobile Mouse juga hadir dengan berbagai pilihan warna yang menarik, seperti hitam, putih, biru, hijau, dan warna favorit kaum hawa; berry pink.

Seluruh produk Microsoft Hardware diatas dilengkapi dengan garansi terbatas selama 3 tahun dan telah tersedia di pasar Indonesia. Berikut daftar harga peripheral Microsoft Hardware yang disebutkan diatas:

* Wireless Comfort Desktop 5000 : Rp 960.000
* Bluetooth Mobile Keyboard 6000 : Rp 1.150.000
* LifeCam Cinema : Rp 960.000
* Wireless Mobile Mouse 4000 : Rp 449.000


Sumber : Chip.com
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