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Rabu, 28 Oktober 2009

2 Bulan, Firefox Gaet 30 Juta Pengguna

SAN FRANSISCO - Persaingan web browser semakin ketat. Dominasi Internet Explorer (IE) milik Microsoft sedikit demi sedikit mulai tergeser oleh browser lainnya. Salah satu browser yang optimis akan menggerus IE adalah Firefox.

CEO Mozilla John Lilly merilis keterangan resmi yang menyebutkan Firefox sukses menggaet lebih dari 30 juta pengguna hanya dalam kurun waktu dua bulan.

Tristan Nitot dari Mozilla Eropa menyebutkan, perkiraan data yang disebutkan Lily tersebut berdasarkan banyaknya jumlah panggilan masuk ke Mozilla selama 24 jam untuk mengecek ketersediaan update browser.

Mozilla kemudian menjadikan jumlah permintaan terhadap browser mereka sebagai indikator untuk mengetahui jumlah pengguna Firefox aktif harian. Jumlah tersebut kemudian dikalikan dengan tiga untuk mengakomodasi orang-orang yang tidak melakukan browsing setiap hari.

Berdasarkan asumsi tersebut, Mozilla melihat adanya peningkatan pengguna Firefox harian sebesar 10 juta pengguna dari total jumlah pengguna Firefox sebanyak 113 juta. Nitot menyebutkan, dengan dikalikan angka tiga, hasil jumlah totalnya menjadi 330 juta pengguna setiap bulan.

Setidaknya, perkiraan ini menjadi indikator yang baik bagi pertumbuhan Firefox. Meski pertumubuhannya berjalan sedikit demi sedikit. Firefox optimis bisa menggusur IE secara bertahap. Optimisme itu diperkuat dengan data yang menyebutkan IE yang mendominasi pasaran browser terus mengalami penurunan.

Data terbaru yang dirilis NetApplications pada September silam menunjukkan pangsa pasar IE jatuh sebesar 1,26 persen dari bulan sebelumnya. Tercatat pada bulan sebelumnya IE menduduki posisi sebesar 65,71 persen dari total pangsa pasar web browser.

Sementara Firefox, dalam waktu bersamaan terus mengalami peningkatan. Pada September kemarin, pangsa pasar Firefox mengalami sedikit kenaikan sebesar 0,77 persen menjadi 23,75 persen.

Browser ternama lain seperti Safari, Chrome dan Opera hanya mengalami peningkatan persentase pangsa pasar sebanyak satu digit saja. Safari tercatat menempati urutan ketiga dengan persentase pangsa pasar sebesar 4,24 persen. (Choi)

Sumber : Okezone.com
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Open Source Menyimpan Hidden Cost?

CALIFORNIA - Banyak pengguna teknologi informasi (TI) yang menilai kalau berimigrasi dari software berlisensi ke open source akan menyelamatkan pengeluaran untuk TI. Namun kenyataanya tidak semua benar.

Menurut penelitian yang dilakukan Silicon, sebetulnya dengan bermigrasi ke open source banyak pengeluaran yang tersembunyi atau hidden cost yang bakal dikeluarkan. Biaya untuk migrasi ke open source memerlukan dana yang tak sedikit dan training ulang staf adalah sisi buruk dalam menjalankan open source.

"Mengadopsi open source memiliki 'hidden cost'? atau biaya tersembunyi yang tidak terduga. Dengan membangun sistem menggunakan software open source maka Anda harus membayar lagi untuk resiko tambahan lainnya," ungkap Andrew Wayland, CIO Michael Page International.

Bahkan menurut Peter Birley, Direktur Operasi Bisnis dan IT di Browne Jacobson LLP mengatakan kalau menggunakan open source maka pengeluaran biaya lebih banyak dibandingkan penghematan.

"Cara efektif untuk mengatur pengeluaran IT adalah dengan memastikan manajemen lisensi telah diatur. Namun, bukan berarti open source menjadi tidak penting, hanya saja sistem tersebut kurang cocok untuk dijadikan mekanisme tepat dalam efektifitas pengeluaran," cetusnya. (Choi)

Sumber : Okezone.com
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Symantec Yakini Kompatibilitas Windows 7

JAKARTA - Seperti halnya vendor komputer kebanyakan, produsen software keamanan pun menyatakan dukungannya terhadap Windows 7. Termasuk Symantec Corp.

Untuk mendukung kemunculan Windows 7, Symantec menyatakan telah memperbaharui teknologi keamanan produk-produk konsumer miliknya, baik teknologi keamanan, backup, recovery dan migrasi enterprise-nya.

"Bekerjasama erat dengan Microsoft, Symantec telah merancang solusi-solusi untuk membantu para pelanggan Microsoft, dari konsumen biasa hingga perusahaan besar, menyederhanakan migrasi ke Windows 7 dan membangun lingkungan komputasi yang lebih aman dan lebih terlindungi."

Beberapa produk Symantec yang kompatibel dengan Windows 7 di antaranya adalah Norton Internet Security 2010 dan Norton AntiVirus 2010, yang menampilkan teknologi baru berbasis reputasi bernama Quorum sebagai sebuah terobosan baru, didesain untuk memberikan perlindungan bagi Windows 7. Selain itu, Norton Internet Security 2009, Norton AntiVirus 2009 dan Norton 360 Versi 3.0 telah di-update untuk bisa mendukung Windows 7 di mana pelanggan aktif akan secara otomatis menerima update kompatibilitas yang tepat secara online tanpa memerlukan tindakan apapun dari pengguna.

Di samping penawaran pada produk-produk berbendera Norton, OnlineFamily.Norton, Norton Online Backup dan Norton Utilities semuanya juga kompatibel dengan Windows 7. Para pengguna produk keamanan Norton versi lama dapat mengunjungi Norton Update Center untuk mendapatkan informasi mengenai cara mendapatkan versi terbaru dari produk mereka dan mengatahui ketersediaan versi yang kompatibel dengan Windows 7.

Symantec telah mengimplementasikan dan melakukan migrasi atas lebih dari 300 juta desktop dan notebook ke Windows 2000, XP, Vista, dan kini Windows 7.

Berikut adalah produk-produk Symantec yang saat ini sudah kompatibel dengan Windows 7,

Altiris Deployment Solution
Endpoint Protection
Norton Internet Security 2010
Norton AntiVirus 2010
Norton Internet Security 2009
Norton AntiVirus 2009
Norton 360 Version 3.0
Wise Package Studio
Workspace Virtualization

Selain itu, ada juga produk-produk Symantec yang dijadwalkan akan kompatibel dengan Windows 7 pada akhir 2009 atau awal 2010 yaitu,

Backup Exec
Backup Exec System Recovery
Client Management Suite
Control Compliance Suite
Data Loss Prevention
Endpoint Protection Small Business Edition
Endpoint Virtualization Suite
Enterprise Vault
Ghost Solution Suite
NetBackup (Choi)

Sumber : Okezone.com
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Fitur Dasar Google Android 2.0

SAN FRANSISCO - Google akhirnya membocorkan informasi mengenai fitur-fitur dalam Android bersi terbaru yang akan disematkan dalam ponsel-ponsel pilihan.

Pemaparan software development kit (SDK) Android 2.0 ini dibeberkan Google kepada para developer, satu hari sebelum Motorola menelurkan ponsel berbasis open source yang bernama Droid untuk Verizon.

Beberapa fitur merupakan pengembangan dari aplikasi yang telah dibenamkan oleh manufaktur ponsel sedangkan lainnya merupakan fitur yang bisa dikembangkan lagi seiring dengan teknologi yang berubah.

Inilah beberapa fitur dalam sistem oeprasi tersebut.

1. Sinkronisasi email dan kontak dengan banyak akun, dari berbagai sumber.
2. Mendukung sinkronisasi Microsoft Exchange
3. Kombinasi inbox untuk banyak akun email
4. Koneksi cepat (quick connect) yang memungkinkan pengguna melakukan panggilan, mengirim SMS, email, hanya dengan menyentuh foto kontak yang dituju.
5. Fitur kamera yang mumpuni baik flash, zoom digital, scenes, white balance, efek warna dan mode makro.
6. Keyboard virtual yang lengkap dengan sensitif
7. Mendukung three-point multitouch
8. Browser yang lebih baik berupa visual thumbnail bookmarks, pengoperasian address bar sekali sentuh, zooming tampilan dengan dua kali sentuh, dan HTML5.
9. Teknologi bluetooth 2.1 dengan koneksi peer-to-peer dan akses ke profil di phonebook.
10. Aplikasi yang kompatible jika ditampilkan di layar berukuran besar atau kecil.

Fitur-fitur inilah yang nantinya akan digunakan oleh vendor-vendor ponsel Android seperti HTC dan Motorola. Untuk fitur yang lebih lengkap bisa dilihat di situs resmi Android untuk developer (Choi)

Sumber : Okezone.com
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Microsoft extends Windows 7 and Azure to open source developers

San Francisco - Microsoft will unveil on Wednesday several open source initiatives to boost interoperability between Microsoft technologies, such as Windows 7, Windows Azure, and Silverlight, and open source technologies, including the Eclipse tools platform and Java.

Although the company has at times been viewed as the commercial opposite of the open source movement, the company's latest gestures to the open source community show Microsoft is willing to make moves that can assist open source devotees build products that rely on Microsoft's products. Microsoft is working with Tasktop Technologies and Soyatec in projects and technologies being unveiled Tuesday.

[ Last week, Microsoft released a second beta version of its Visual Studio 2010 software development platform. | Get InfoWorld's 21-page hands-on look at the new version of Windows, from InfoWorld’s editors and contributors. ]

"This is part of our ongoing efforts to make our products more open," said Vijay Rajagopalan, principal architect for the Microsoft interoperability strategy team.

In partnership with Eclipse solutions provider Tasktop, Microsoft is looking to enhance the developer experience of Eclipse on the newly released Windows 7 platform. Support is being extended to run the Eclipse IDE on Windows 7 and also to build Windows 7 applications.

The two companies will develop updates to the Eclipse IDE to incorporate features of Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2. The intention, according to Microsoft, is to ensure that the "improved" productivity and user experience of Windows 7 will be available to developers using the Eclipse IDE and also to desktop applications built on the Eclipse platform.

Developers will be able to access Windows 7 functionality such as Jump Lists from the redesigned Windows 7 task bar. Jump Lists enable access to Eclipse-specific functions. Also, the project will extend Eclipse Standard Widget Toolkit to integrate Windows 7 features such as task bar display of progress and search widget integration. Updates also will modernize the look and feel of Eclipse to match the Windows 7 user interface experience.

"We are working with Tasktop to improve the developer experience on Windows 7," Rajagopalan said.

Tasktop will contribute enhancements to the Eclipse that will be available under the Eclipse Public License for early access in the first quarter of 2010. General release is planned for the Eclipse Helios technology release train in June 2010.

Windows remains a critical platform for Eclipse users, stressed Mik Kersten, CEO of Tasktop. "Over three-quarters of Eclipse downloads are of the Windows distribution," he said.

"This joint effort between Tasktop and Microsoft is going to bring those new enhancements in Windows 7 into the hands of Eclipse IDE users," Kersten said.

Microsoft also is announcing an open source plug-in, called Windows Azure Tools for Eclipse, to give PHP developers more flexibility in developing Web applications for the Windows Azure cloud platform. The plug-in, available as a free download, features wizards and utilities for writing, debugging, and deploying PHP applications to Azure.

"Essentially, it's an open source plugin that will enable PHP developers using Eclipse to create PHP Web applications," Rajagopalan said. The technology is available for download.

The existing Windows SDK for PHP is bundled into the Eclipse PHP project through the plug-in, which also includes a Windows Azure "storage explorer" to browse data contained in Azure tables, blobs, or queues.

Despite its Eclipse endeavors, Microsoft still has no plans to join the Eclipse Foundation. "I think we'll continue to explore opportunities to work with them," Rajagopalan said. "At this stage, we haven't made any decision to join the Eclipse community."

Also being unveiled is Windows Azure SDK for Java, providing tools to help Java developers use Azure. The SDK leverages Windows Azure Storage services for storing data and offers development methods for writing Web applications.

"We are releasing the Java SDK for Windows Azure so that Java developers who are running on-premise applications or other cloud applications can [also] use Azure storage," said Rajagopalan.

Soyatec partnered with Microsoft on both Eclipse Tools for Windows Azure for PHP and Windows Azure SDK for Java. Microsoft and Soyatec also have released a 1.0 version of Eclipse Tools for Silverlight, which is a plug-in for Eclipse-based developers to build rich Internet applications that leverage Silverlight. Included in the project is support for Macintosh and guidance on interoperability between Silverlight applications and Java-based Web sites and Web services, including REST, JSON, and other standards, Microsoft said. A customer technology preview of the plug-in was offered in March.

A Microsoft-Soyatec road map calls for spring 2010 availability of version 2 of Eclipse Tools for Silverlight, featuring support for Silverlight 3.0 and offline application capabilities.

With its initiatives, Microsoft is reaching over to the "other side" -- the open source developers, said analyst Al Hilwa of IDC. "[However,] it's a question mark" as far as how many developers will take Microsoft up on its accommodations, he said. But Microsoft's efforts are commendable, even if the company does have its own self interest in mind, Hilwa said.

"At the end of the day, this is not a charitable organization per se. I don't expect them to be, but the important thing is there's different ways to interpret what may be in their interest," he said. "Now, they're taking a more open view of what's in their interest."

For example, Microsoft is trying to extend adoption of Azure to Java developers, Hilwa noted. "They're saying it's not necessary that you have to be a .Net developer to take advantage of Azure," said Hilwa.

Microsoft has been on a campaign in recent years to make accommodations for open source. The company cited developments such as its Windows Azure for PHP effort and Restlet Extension for ADO.Net Services to bridge Java and .Net. The company also is working with Zend, IBM and others on Simple API for Cloud Application Services, an open source project for cloud interoperability.

The company in the past, however, has irked open source devotees with endeavors like forging an intellectual property agreement with Novell pertaining to Linux. (Choi)

Sumber : Yahoo.com
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Plex 0.8.3 brings extensive Snow Leopard compatibility

If you want to use your Mac as a media center, there’s no better app for accomplishing that objective than Plex ( ). This modern media center application features a gorgeous interface, automated and intelligent metadata-fetching capabilities, support for a vast variety of formats, the ability to play full 1080p high definition videos smoothly, an extensible plug-in architecture, and a host of more advanced, powerful features.

As with many other applications, Apple’s release of Snow Leopard left Plex playing catch-up and though there has been an update or two over the past couple of months to improve compatibility with the latest big cat, Plex’s relationship with Snow Leopard has remained strained at best.

That's all over, however, because Plex 0.8.3 is out and it brings a whole bunch of important bug fixes to the table, putting the software right back where it was before Snow Leopard came prowling. The most important fix involves the installation of a Candelair driver for the Apple Remote that makes it once again work smoothly with Plex (without also triggering Front Row and controlling iTunes in the background).

And that isn’t all. The fine folks at Plex have finally put in a feature that addresses a longstanding complaint of Plex users around the world—myself included. It’s called dynamic range compression and it boosts the volume of downmixed 5.1 audio. To enable it, go to Preferences -> System -> Audio and change the Mixdown Volume Boost setting from Disabled to Normal.

You’ll also need to change the Digital Output Support setting to Force Digital and then disable the Dolby Digital (AC3) Capable Receiver and DTS Capable Receiver settings. Once all that is done, go back and play a movie with 5.1 channel audio. And turn down the volume, please.

The update weighs in at 104MB and is worth every iota of bandwidth you spend downloading it. And did I mention that Plex is a free application? Well, it is, so go ahead and give it a shot. (Choi)

Sumber : Yahoo.com
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Jive Brings Workgroup Collaboration to Microsoft Office

Jive has given its enterprise social-networking software what it calls its biggest overhaul yet, giving users the ability to collaborate on Microsoft Office files and to use the product from mobile devices, including an application built specifically for the iPhone.

Jive's Social Business Software (SBS) 4.0, which the company will release on Tuesday, comes with a new "connector" that allows users to jointly author, view, annotate and edit Word, Excel and PowerPoint files.

With this functionality, multiple users can simultaneously work on Office documents on their PCs and have their changes reflected and consolidated on a single copy of the file hosted centrally on the SBS server. This approach is meant to replace the practice of having workgroup members e-mail Office documents among themselves as they collaborate on them.

Meanwhile, the new Jive Mobile module opens up the ability to post content to SBS threaded discussions, blogs, documents and status updates via e-mail from cell phones such as the BlackBerry. In addition, the module has a "native" iPhone application that provides a user experience very close to how SBS works on the desktop, according to Jive.

SBS 4.0 also offers enhancements to the suite's Bridging Module, which is designed to let users import comments and discussions in public SBS forums into private SBS forums for internal analysis and collaboration. For example, a company that provides public SBS forums to its clients for customer support can funnel into a private SBS forum a discussion it considers important. That way, the appropriate business officials can jointly review it, posting comments online and drafting plans of action.

SBS, introduced in 2006, belongs to a new wave of enterprise collaboration software that has emerged in recent years as alternatives to traditional wares from Microsoft and IBM's Lotus. These new collaboration tools tend to be easier to set up, less expensive and more intuitive for end-users, because they're modeled after Web 2.0-type applications popular among consumers, such as wikis, blogs, discussion forums and social networks, albeit with IT management and enterprise security features.

Microsoft and IBM, noticing this trend, have been adapting their collaboration products and developing new ones to compete against Jive and other vendors such as Socialtext. Microsoft even partners with one of these new vendors, NewsGator, which provides an enterprise social-networking component to SharePoint Server.

Enterprise social-networking and collaboration products such as SBS typically provide online collaborative spaces where employees can jointly annotate and edit documents, post comments and receive automated alerts about colleagues' actions. (Choi)

Sumber : Yahoo.com
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Music service Lala heralds MP3-killing iPhone app

LOS ANGELES - Online music retailer Lala is preparing to launch an iPhone application that its co-founder says paves the way for the end of downloading songs in the MP3 format.

The app allows users to buy the right to stream songs from a digital locker forever for just 10 cents each. The song quality is lower than what Apple Inc.'s iTunes offers, but "intelligent caching" lets the tracks load and play in seconds, with playback possible even outside of cell phone coverage.

An existing iTunes library can be synchronized with one's Lala account, meaning a person doesn't have to repurchase songs to listen to them within the app.

In a demonstration for The Associated Press, songs began playing in about two seconds, compared to the more than two minutes it took to download an iTunes song over the AT&T 3G cell phone network. Consumers are allowed one full-length free preview of each song.

"There's no downloading, no links to click on, it's just there," said Lala co-founder Bill Nguyen, who described the concept as the start of "the end of the MP3."

The advantage of having songs in MP3 files is that they can be downloaded and played on a variety of devices and computers. Meanwhile, streaming services pump music directly to a computer or mobile device, but not in a form that the user can store and play any time, even while offline.

Lala's iPhone app aims to get around that downside of streaming while taking advantage of the device's power as a music player (it has an iPod inside it, after all) and undercutting the prices charged on iTunes, where songs generally cost 69 cents to $1.29.

Once users pay 10 cents to have a song streamed from Lala, they can hear the track essentially any time. The songs that a user listens to most often in the app or designates as favorites are automatically loaded in the phone's memory, which is the step that allows them to be heard any time, even out of cell phone range.

The songs are streamed at as few as 32 kilobits per second, depending on cell phone reception — which is about the same as some smaller radio stations stream online but far lower quality than the 256 kilobits per second common to iTunes. It can lead to a flatter, fuzzier sound. Nguyen said sound quality could improve as cell phone networks become stronger.

Lala will also sell higher-quality versions of the same songs as MP3s for 89 cents each. But that requires hooking the user's phone to an Internet-connected computer.

The app, which itself is free, is set to debut on Apple Inc.'s iTunes app store next month pending approval. Apple had no immediate comment Tuesday.

Lala, a private company based in Palo Alto, Calif., was launched in 2006 with $35 million in venture capital from Bain Capital LLC, Ignition Partners and Warner Music Group Corp. (Choi)

Sumber : Yahoo.com
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AMD ex-CEO said linked to Galleon case

LOS ANGELES - Chip maker Advanced Micro Devices Inc. is "thoroughly reviewing" published reports fingering former chairman and CEO Hector Ruiz as the AMD executive who gave confidential company information to a defendant in the Galleon Group insider trading case.

"We are not aware of any allegation of criminal misconduct on the part of any current or former AMD employees, nor have any current or former AMD employees been charged with a crime," AMD said in a statement Tuesday. A spokesman for the Sunnyvale, Calif.-based company declined to comment further.

Citing an unnamed person familiar with the matter, The Wall Street Journal reported on its Web site Tuesday that Ruiz is the AMD executive described in the Manhattan U.S. Attorney's Office complaint as passing inside information to defendant Danielle Chiesi.

Chiesi, 43, was among six hedge fund managers and corporate executives arrested earlier this month in a hedge fund insider trading case that authorities say generated more than $25 million in illegal profits. Chiesi worked for New Castle, the equity hedge fund group of Bear Stearns Asset Management Inc. that had assets worth about $1 billion under management, according to court papers.

Raj Rajaratnam, the Galleon Group portfolio manager at the center of the case, last week said Galleon would wind down its funds after publicity surrounding the case led some investors to pull out money.

Before he left AMD's CEO job last year, Ruiz was only the second person to run the company other than founder and longtime CEO Jerry Sanders and was one of the few Hispanic CEOs of a major U.S. corporation. Ruiz, now 63, left amid mounting investor frustration over AMD's finances. He was instrumental in orchestrating a fix: the spinoff of AMD's manufacturing operations into a company called GlobalFoundries Inc., of which he is now chairman.

A GlobalFoundries spokesman on Tuesday would say only that the allegations predate the company's launch.

AMD, which had $5.8 billion in revenue last year, is small compared to its rival Intel Corp., but is significant because it is the world's No. 2 maker of microprocessors. Microprocessors are the "brains" of personal computers. Intel owns about 80 percent of that market — AMD essentially has the rest.

Before word of Ruiz's possible involvement surfaced, the highest-ranking corporate executive ensnared in the insider-trading scheme was an IBM Corp. senior vice president, Robert Moffat, who was once considered a possible candidate for CEO. Moffat was put on leave after the allegations surfaced and no longer serves as an officer of the company. Moffat is accused of leaking secrets about IBM's earnings and financial dealings with partners, including AMD.

That information allegedly included AMD's plans for GlobalFoundries. IBM was involved in those talks because it has a technology development partnership with AMD.

The indictment against Moffat and the person he's accused of supplying information to, Chiesi, says that an AMD executive also provided inside information to Chiesi, but that executive is not named.

The indictment quotes Chiesi allegedly boasting in wiretapped calls that she spoke multiple times with the AMD executive about the deal. The indictment quotes the AMD executive in multiple calls to Chiesi describing the timing and financial details of the deal, such as what would happen with AMD's debt under the new structure. In one call, on Sept. 16, 2008, the AMD executive was quoted as saying the spinoff wouldn't be announced until the following month and that it was going to "shock the hell out of everybody." (Choi)

Sumber : Yahoo.com
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Peringati Sumpah Pemuda dengan Ngeblog!

Jakarta - Hari Sumpah Pemuda memperingati ikrar semangat perjuangan bangsa yang diucapkan pemuda-pemudi Indonesia 28 Oktober 1928. Bagi warga dunia maya, peringatan juga bisa digelar dengan ngeblog.

Blogdetik, layanan blog gratis dari detikcom, memfasilitasi peringatan itu dengan gerakan bertajuk 'Indonesia Satoe'. Gerakan ini berupa posting serentak pada 28 Oktober 2009 (mulai 00:01 - 23:59 WIB) di blog masing-masing.

Bukan posting sembarang posting, gerakan ini mendorong blogger untuk menuliskan ulang teks Sumpah Pemuda di blog masing-masing. Kemudian, teks itu diikuti dengan kalimat janji untuk membuat Indonesia yang lebih baik.

Selain gerakan di dunia maya, Blogdetik juga mengadakan gelaran offline di empat kota. Lokasi kegiatan 'Indonesia Satoe' adalah Surabaya, Kediri, Bandung dan Bogor. (Choi)

Sumber : Detikinet.com
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Blogger Teriakkan Sumpahnya di Blog

Jakarta - Meriah! Itulah satu kata yang dapat menggambarkan suasana acara 'Indonesia Satoe' gelaran blogdetik yang digelar di Kota Bandung. Tak hanya dari komunitas blogger, pengunjung mal pun ikut terhanyut di dalamnya.

Sebanyak 100-an peserta dari komunitas rumahblogger, komunitas Toni Jack's, mahasiswa Politeknik dan pengunjung Bandung Indah Plaza (BIP) ngeblog bareng di
Toni Jack's.

Dalam acara yang digelar atas kerjasama blogdetik, detikbandung, Telkom Speedy, Axioo, Toni Jack's dan Politeknik Telkom ini tidak hanya dipraktekkan bagaimana membuat akun di blogdetik. Tapi juga talkshow dengan blogstar yakni Meyda Safira, pemeran Husna dalam film Ketika Cinta Bertasbih dan Seshi Idris.

Setelah mendapatkan akun blogdetik, para peserta langsung membuat postingan berupa ikrar sumpah pemuda yang ditambahkan janji mereka sebagai pemuda untuk
melakukan hal yang positif. Di sela-sela posting, games dan tanya jawab dengan blogstar pun digelar.

Suasana langsung meriah saat sesi tanya jawab. Tidak hanya bertanya tentang teknis ngeblog, peserta juga banyak yang bertanya tentang keseharian kedua
blogstar tersebut.

Acara yang digelar dalam rangka memperingati hari sumpah pemuda yang jatuh pada hari ini, Rabu (28/10/2009). Selain di Bandung, Indonesia Satoe juga digelar secara serentak di 3 kota lainnya yakni Bogor, Kediri dan Surabaya.

Jeprat-jepret kamera pun tidak ketinggalan. Kebanyakan peserta langsung memanfaatkan kesempatan untuk berfoto bareng blogstar. (Choi)

Sumber : Detikinet.com
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IM2 Dukung Open Source Indonesia

Jakarta - PT Indosat Mega Media (IM2) menyatakan dukungannya terhadap penerapan Open Source di Indonesia. Sebagai bukti nyata, 50% dari total jumlah server anak usaha Indosat itu diklaim telah menggunakan aplikasi maupun sistim operasi berbasis open source.

Dukungan IM2 terhadap open source juga coba diwujudkan dengan partisipasi IM2 di acara Global Conference on Open Source (CGOS), pertemuan tingkat dunia mengenai open source yang berlangsung di Shangri-La Hotel Jakarta pada 26-27 Oktober 2009.
Acara ini dibuka oleh Menkominfo Tifatul Sembiring dan dihadiri Duta Besar Brazil untuk Indonesia, Edmundo Sussumu Fujita.

"IM2 akan terus mendukung perkembangan Open Source di Indonesia sehingga pemanfaatan komputer akan meningkat seiring dengan semakin mudah dan murahnya aksesibilitas melalui open source."

Di ajang CGOS, IM2 menyediakan akses internet gratis menggunakan teknologi WiFi berkecepatan 2 Mbps. IM2 juga menyediakan internet cafe dimana pengunjung dapat terhubung melalui internet menggunakan lima unit notebook yang disediakan dengan sistem operasi menggunakan open source seperti Linux, Ubuntu, Firefox, dan lainnya.

Akses internet gratis ini juga dapat dinikmati semua pengunjung hotel. Cukup menyalakan fitur WiFi pada notebook, pengunjung pun siap untuk berselancar internet.

Aplikasi maupun Operating System berbasis open source sudah lama diimplementasikan di IM2. Bahkan sejak awal pendirian perusahaan di tahun 2000-an.

Saat ini sejumlah aplikasi penting IM2 baik internal maupun eksternal berbasis open source seperti Top Up System, Payment Gateway, Portal Kongkoow, i-Pay, Corporate Email, Web Server, dll.

"Pilihan terhadap open source tidak hanya pada masalah biaya yang lebih hemat namun juga pada pilihan support yang lebih luas dalam bentuk konsultasi maupun advise dari pihak ketiga. Bahkan portal Kongkoow dan i-Pay kami sudah 100% open source."

Ke depan, perusahaan itu mengaku akan terus menggalakkan pemakaian open source seiring dengan semakin banyaknya pilihan opsi dan alternatif aplikasi maupun operating system berbasis open source.

"IM2 akan terus update terhadap perkembangan IT terkini dengan motivasi untuk menghadirkan internet yang terjangkau dan berkualitas kepada masyarakat. Penggunaan open source merupakan salah satu diantaranya," imbuh Indar.

Di ajang GCOS ini berkumpul lebih dari 500 peserta dari berbagi penjuru dunia mendengarkan dan berdiskusi dengan pegiat dan pencinta open source lainnya.

Pada acara yang telah digelar sejak tahun 2004 ini, Betti Alisjahbana, Ketua Umum Asosiasi Open Source Indonesia (AOSI) dalam kata sambutan pembukaan GCOS, mengemukakan bahwa open source sudah sangat layak tampil ke depan dengan dukungan besar dari berbagai pihak membuat penetrasi open source sungguh di luar dugaan begitu baik. (Choi)

Sumber : Detikinet.com
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Waktu Peluncuran Jam BlackBerry Ditetapkan

Jakarta - Produk jam BlackBerry ternyata bukan rumor belaka dan dikonfirmasi telah siap untuk diluncurkan. Hanya saja pembuatnya bukan Research in Motion (RIM) selaku produsen BlackBerry, melainkan sebuah perusahaan yang juga berbasis di Kanada bernama Allerta.

Jam bernama inPulse Smartwatch for BlackBerry ini rencananya akan dijual pertama kali di Amerika Serikat pada bulan Februari 2010. Berbagai fitur pun disematkan pada jam ini, khususnya bagi para pemakai BlackBerry.

inPulse memiliki layar OLED 1,3 inch dan Bluetooth sebagai media koneksi dengan handset BlackBerry. Sedangkan baterai isi ulangnya dapat bertahan 4 hari dalam sekali charge selama 30 menit.

Kegunaan utama jam ini adalah untuk menampilkan peringatan berupa getaran jika ada pesan, panggilan atau e-mail yang dikirim ke BlackBerry. Hanya saja, boleh dikata jam ini hanya semacam kepanjangan dari layar BlackBerry karena tak memungkinkan pengguna membalas pesan. Jika ingin melakukannya, mereka tetap harus memakai handset BlackBerry.

Jjam tersebut akan dijual pada kisaran harga US$150 atau sekitar Rp 1,5 juta. Tidak disebutkan apakah nantinya inPulse Smartwatch ini juga akan didistribusikan ke seluruh dunia. (Choi)

Sumber : Detikinet.com
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