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Senin, 19 Oktober 2009

Eropa Luncurkan Perpustakaan Digital

FRANKFURT - Pada pameran buku terbesar di dunia yang diadakan di Frankfurt, Jerman, Uni Eropa meluncurkan perpustakaan digital.

Perpustakaan ini menyediakan berbagai dokumen berusia sekira 50 tahun dalam 50 bahasa dunia yang berbeda-beda dan dapat diakses secara gratis melalui internet.

"Dengan adanya perpustakaan digital, kini kami memiliki transparansi total."

"Proyek tersebut juga menyokong komitmen Uni Eropa untuk melestarikan dan mendukung dokumentasi sejarah dunia dalam bahasa yang berbeda-beda," tambahnya.

Perpustakaan digital milik Uni Eropa ini menyediakan sekira 12 juta halaman dokumen. Jika hadir dalam bentuk buku, jumlah ini akan setara dengan buku-buku yang dutempatkan pada sebuah rak dengan panjang empat kilometer. (Choi)

Sumber : Okezone.Com
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Twitter Jadi Kurikulum Wajib di Australia

CANBERRA - Twitter kini tak sekedar menjadi situs jejaring sosial tempat menyebarkan berbagai informasi. Situs mikroblogging ini sekarang bahkan masuk dalam kurikulum wajib bagi para mahasiswa jurusan jurnalistik di berbagai perguruan tinggi di Australia.

"Beberapa tweet atau pesan yang dibuat para mahasiswa pada Twitter mungkin terlihat sederhana. Namun dengan menggunakan tweet sebagai latihan tugas menulis esai nampaknya akan sangat bermanfaat."

Twitter telah menjadi fenomena di dunia online dengan ciri khas pesan sepanjang 140 karakter. Layanan ini pun turut berkontribusi dalam penyampaian informasi saat terjadi peristiwa-peristiwa menghebohkan seperti saat pemilihan umum di Iran.

"Twitter pun kini sering digunakan oleh para politisi, termasuk Perdana Menteri Australia Kevin Rudd. Sementara itu, anak-anak muda dan kalangan pelajar menjadikan Twitter sebagai media untuk melatih kemampuan refleksi diri," kata Ewart.

Menanggapi pemberlakuan Twitter dalam kurikulum para mahsiswa jurusan jurnalistik di Australia, muncul bermacam reaksi yang ditunjukkan para mahasiswa negeri kanguru tersebut.

Menurut Ewart sebagian diantara mereka berpikir, Twitter hanyalah media untuk bersenang-senang, sehingga sangat tidak menyenangkan jika Twitter masuk dalam kurikulum pendidikan.

Sementara sebagian lagi ada yang menyebutkan sangat senang jika media yang identik dengan kebebasan berkespresi para anak muda ini bisa menjadi bagian dalam tugas-tugas pelajaran mereka. (Choi)

Sumber : Okezone.Com
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Jepang Mulai Menjual Windows 7 Sejak Selasa Malam

TOKYO -Toko retail Akihabara yang terletak di sudut kota di Tokyo, Jepang, akan menjadi salah satu toko yang menjadi penjual Windows 7 yang pertama. Bahkan untuk menyambut sistem operasi terbaru besutan Microsoft ini, toko tersebut sudah menerima antrian sejak Selasa malam atau Rabu dini hari waktu setempat.

Seperti diketahui, Windows 7 akan dilempar secara serempak di beberapa negara, pada 22 Oktober 2009 mendatang. Seperti peluncuran OS sebelumnya, Akihabara akan membuka penjualan Windows 7 tepat di hari Rabu pagi, sambil menyambut antrean.

Selain membuka penjualan 'si tujuh' sedini mungkin, pihak Akihabara akan menampilkan sebuah even yang khusus untuk membahas mengenai kelebihan fitur dari Windows 7 ini. Terlebih, Windows 7 merupakan salah satu usaha Microsoft menaikkan keuntungan.

Karena Microsoft tentunya sangat berharap Windows 7 sukses di segmen konsumen dan bisnis. Ini untuk mengobati kekecewaan mereka melihat penjualan Windows Vista gagal di pasar. Ini semakin diperparah dengan pemasukan Microsoft yang terus menurun, karena penjualan Windows telah merosot parah dalam beberapa kuartal. (Choi)

Sumber : Okezone.Com
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Windows 7 Bajakan Beredar di China

PRODUSEN software terbesar di dunia, Microsoft Corp berencana merilis sistem operasi Windows 7 pada 22 Oktober mendatang. Namun saat ini, Windows 7 bajakan ternyata sudah beredar di China. Tidak jelas dari mana para pembajak di China mendapatkan software Windows 7 untuk kemudian digandakan secara ilegal.

Reuters memberitakan, DVD Windows 7 bajakan di China dijual seharga 20 yuan alias USD2,93 (atau sekira Rp27.500) per keping. Padahal harga Windows 7 asli diperkirakan mencapai USD320 (sekira Rp3 juta) per lisensi. Kehadiran Windows 7 bajakan di China sebelum peluncuran resmi software aslinya, menegaskan bahwa China adalah salah satu negara pembajak paling maju di dunia.

Firma riset International Data Corp (IDC) memperkirakan, sekitar 80 persen software yang digunakan di China adalah software bajakan. Padahal China adalah pasar komputer terbesar kedua di dunia. Artinya, penggunaan software bajakan di Chia maasih sangat banyak.

Analis Gartner Inc Matthew Cheung menambahkan, pembajakan di CHina tidak akan bisa dihentikan keuali para produsen siftware mampu menjual produk dengan harga lebih murah. Cheung menegaskan, para penduduk China pada saat ini lebih suka membeli software bajakan karena harga software asli masih terlalu mahal.

"Rata-rata mahasiswa di China hidup dengan biaya 400 Yuang (sekira 550 ribu) per bulan. Mana mungkin mereka membeli program yang berharga 2.000 yuan. Hal yang sama juga berlaku untuk sebagian besar konsumen di China," tutur Cheung.

Microsoft rupanya menyadari pula isu daya beli penduduk China, Karena itu, pada tahun silam Microsoft memangkas harga Office 2007 Home Edition menjadi hanya 199 yuan (Rp274 ribu), dari harga asli Rp962 ribu. Tetapi harga software asli itu masih 15 kali lebih tinggi daripada harga software bajakan.

Business Software Alliance (BSA) yang dibentuk para produsen software, termasuk Microsoft, memperkirakan pembajakan di China menimbulkan kerugian lebih dari USD6,6 miliar pada tahun silam. (Choi)

Sumber : Okezone.Com
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Mozilla Blocks Microsoft's Buggy Firefox Plugin

Mozilla developers have blocked a Firefox plugin that was quietly pushed out by Microsoft, saying that it presents a security risk.

Microsoft shipped the Firefox add-on as part of a .Net software update last February, causing outrage among some Firefox users, who complained that the software was sneaked onto their systems without their knowledge or approval and was extremely difficult to remove.

On Tuesday, Microsoft warned that Firefox users who have not applied a recent Internet Explorer patch were vulnerable to a "browse-and-get-owned attack" because of a bug in the Microsoft .Net Framework Assistant add-on.

"All that is needed is for a user to be lured to a malicious website," Microsoft said. Triggering this vulnerability involves the use of a malicious XBAP (XAML Browser Application).

The flaw is a nasty one, but users who have installed the MS09-054 IE update, released Tuesday are protected from this attack, "regardless of the attack vector," Microsoft said.

To protect users who may not have installed Microsoft's patch, Mozilla is automatically blocking two add-ons: the Microsoft .Net Framework Assistant and a related plugin called the Windows Presentation Foundation. The open-source browser started blocking the software late Friday night.

"Because of the difficulties some users have had entirely removing the add-on, and because of the severity of the risk it represents if not disabled, we contacted Microsoft today to indicate that we were looking to disable the extension and plugin for all users via our blocklisting mechanism," wrote Mozilla Vice President of Engineering Mike Shaver in a blog posting. "Microsoft agreed with the plan, and we put the blocklist entry live immediately."

Buggy plugins are a growing problem, as cyber criminals have increasingly leveraged flaws in products such as Adobe Flash Player and QuickTime to launch browser-based attacks. Earlier this week, Mozilla launched a Plugin Check site where Firefox users can see if their plugins are up-to-date. (Choi)

Sumber : Yahoo.Com
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Google Takes Enterprise Promotion Campaign Global

Google, not known for using conventional marketing to promote its wares, has nonetheless found that such an approach is effective for its enterprise products and will roll out internationally a campaign it launched in the U.S. in August.

The "Gone Google" campaign is aimed at IT and business executives who influence IT purchasing decisions, and is designed to sell them on the benefits of using products like Google Apps and the Search Appliance enterprise search device.

The campaign, which is also being extended in the U.S., will involve billboards and signs in airports and train stations, as well as ads in major online and print publications in the U.K., France, Canada, Japan, Australia and Singapore.

The campaign focuses mainly on Google Apps, the company's Web-hosted suite of collaboration and communication applications, whose "cloud" software-as-a-service (SaaS) architecture Google maintains is a superior alternative to managing on-premises software.

The company is intent on convincing businesses of all sizes, but in particular large enterprises, that Google Apps is less costly, easier to implement and maintain, and makes possible better workplace collaboration than on-premise options such as those sold by Microsoft and IBM's Lotus division.

"The idea behind 'Going Google' is that companies switch to Google Apps and it's a real transformational change," said Tom Oliveri, Google's enterprise marketing director.

Of course, Google isn't alone in the SaaS market for collaboration and communication software, where Zoho and Yahoo's Zimbra also compete. Meanwhile, IBM and Microsoft are busy re-tooling their on-premise software to work on the cloud as well.

Google, like other SaaS vendors, also faces skepticism over the security, privacy and reliability of Web-hosted applications, which reside, along with their data, at external data centers beyond the control of an enterprise's IT managers.

Still, Google maintains that it is making steady progress at winning over large corporations. Some recent large deployments of Google Apps Premier, which costs US$50 per user per year, include 20,000 users at Motorola, 35,000 users at Rentokil Initial and 7,000 users at Konica Minolta.

On Sunday, Google will announce its latest Apps enterprise win -- MeadWestVaco, a global packaging company based in Virginia that has signed up for 17,000 users.

Currently, Google Apps is in use at more than 2 million businesses by more than 20 million end users, although the company doesn't break out how many of those deployments are of Premier, the paid version of the suite.

Over the past year, Google's enterprise team has doubled in size to about 1,000 employees and the company is actively recruiting to continue beefing up the staff, Google spokesman Andrew Kovacs said. (Choi)

Sumber : Yahoo.Com
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New Networks Help Japan Regain Its Wireless Data Edge

Despite an early lead with handset-centric services like I-mode, Japan fell behind in the wireless data race a few years ago as interest shifted to Apple and the iPhone. But now, thanks to super-fast data networks and low prices, consumers are embracing always-on connectivity for laptops and giving the country's wireless industry back its edge.

Japan now boasts the fastest commercial WiMax network in the world, cellular carriers are pushing faster 3G technology, Wi-Fi is beginning to appear on express trains, and next-generation LTE (Long-Term Evolution) services are planned from next year. These services are being offered amid increasingly aggressive competition between carries that has seen consumers offered free netbook computers in return for signing a two-year data contract.

This heightened competition among Japanese carriers can be traced back to March 2007 when E-mobile launched a 3G network and flat-rate data service. Until then, the only real competition in flat-rate mobile PC access was from Willcom, which offered a PHS (Personal Handyphone System)-based service running at several hundreds of kilobits per second. E-mobile launched with a 3.6Mbps downstream and 384Kbps upstream connection in the Tokyo area for a flat-rate fee of ¥5,980 (US$65) with a 2-year contract.

E-mobile has steadily upgraded its network and today offers an HSPA+ (High Speed Packet Access) service with download speeds as fast as 21Mbps and uploads at 5.8Mbps. Prices range from ¥580 per month and depend on the amount of data transmitted but the meter stops once it hits ¥5,980.

NTT DoCoMo, Japan's biggest cellular carrier, offers an HSPA service with downloads at 7.2Mbps and uploads at 5.8Mbps. While it's a slower service than E-mobile, the network covers close to the entire Japanese population so it can be used anywhere. Prices are roughly equivalent with E-mobile.

In the middle of this year, competition was turned up a notch with the debut of a WiMax service by UQ Communications, which includes Intel as an investor. The service boasts download speeds as fast as 40Mbps and uploads at around 10Mbps and charges subscribers ¥4,480 per month. It's already available in major cities and the network is fast expanding. UQ is heavily promoting the technology and offering users to chance to try the service free for 15 days -- an offer that no other carrier has matched so far.

Willcom has been struggling to keep up and was pushed to begin reselling NTT DoCoMo's 3G service while it readied a new service based on a next-generation version of PHS. The Willcom Core XGP service started at the beginning of October with speeds of 20Mbps in each direction but it's only available in the very center of Tokyo.

The carrier had planned a much wider roll-out of the technology but was forced to pull back its plans when it had trouble raising money to build the network.

To reassure users who worry about the limited service area for some of these wireless services, mobile access is also available via a network of Wi-Fi hotspots, including on the bullet train between Tokyo and Osaka and a new express train that began running between Tokyo and Narita Airport from the beginning of this month.

Faster wireless services aren't far off. Waiting in the wings is LTE, a next-generation IP-based technology seen as a replacement for current 3G systems. NTT DoCoMo plans to launch a service for PC users in December 2010 and at this month's Ceatec exhibition showed off a sample chip that supported download speeds of 100Mbps and upload speeds of 50Mbps.

LTE is expected to lower the per-packet cost of data communications so its debut will likely inject even more competition into the market. (Choi)

Sumber : Yahoo.Com
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Google goes global with Apps, has 2 million customers

SAN FRANCISCO - Google Inc said more than 2 million businesses now use its online office software, and the Web search leader is going global on Monday with an advertising campaign to lure customers away from Microsoft Corp and IBM products.

The campaign, which starts Monday in countries including France, Japan and Britain, represents a rare foray by Google into mass-market advertising and underscores increasing competition to provide businesses with email and other office software.

While Microsoft and International Business Machines Corp dominate the market for enterprise email, Google is trying to convince businesses to switch to its so-called cloud-based services, in which software is accessed over the Internet and maintained at Google's data centers instead of on a company's computers.

Cloud-based services can provide cost and maintenance savings over traditional software, though recent high-profile outages -- including an outage of Google's Gmail last month -- have raised questions about the reliability of online software for business users.

Gartner analyst Tom Austin said most businesses will eventually switch to cloud-based email, but the process may take years. He noted IBM and Microsoft have introduced cloud products recently, and that Cisco Systems Inc appears to be preparing to offer its own cloud-based software.

On Thursday, Google CEO Eric Schmidt told investors during the company's quarterly earnings conference call he intended to boost investments in new business initiatives.

Google's Apps business -- which the company has said is profitable and generates hundreds of millions of dollars in revenue a year -- is a tiny portion of Google's overall business, which yielded almost $22 billion revenue last year.

According to spokesman Andrew Kovacs, its Apps team has doubled over the past year to more than 1,000 employees.

Google said Apps is used by 2 million businesses, up from 1.75 million in June. Those include both larger businesses that pay $50 a year per user for Apps, as well as firms with fewer than 50 employees that get the software for free.

The company also said there are now 20 million active users of Google Apps, up from 15 million in June, although that number included students who use the free version Google provides to universities.

Google's marketing campaign, which it first rolled out in the United States in August, will feature ads in publications such as The New York Times, Forbes and The Economist, as well as on billboards at airports and train stations in various cities.

Google Enterprise Product Marketing Director Tom Oliveri would not say how much Google is spending on the campaign, which runs through 2009. He said the creative part of the campaign was designed in-house by the Google Creative Lab team led by former Ogilvy & Mather executive Andy Berndt. (Choi)

Sumber : Yahoo.Com
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E-books gain a foothold at Frankfurt Book Fair

FRANKFURT - While paper books still outnumber texts that can be read online or on dedicated readers like the Kindle or eBook, use of the electronic versions is growing.

Many publishing firms unveiled electronic editions of their books for the first time this year at the 61st Frankfurt Book Fair. But many publishers, while they are certain that e-books will play a bigger role in their future, say it has yet to be seen just how big the trend will become.

De Bezige Bij, or The Busy Bee, a Dutch publishing company based in Amsterdam, published its first e-books in August, said Pieter Swinkels, a senior editor at the company.

"Everybody is interested in it (but) at the moment it still feels like you're looking into a dark room," he told The Associated Press Friday.

"Books are still a good piece of technology, they can still do everything you need," said Jason Cooper, a director at Faber & Faber, one of the largest independent book publishers in the United Kingdom.

He said that, while books won't vanish, it's important to start rolling out electronic titles, which Faber & Faber did last year.

Unlike many other publishers at the fair, MIT Press has been bringing out e-books since the early 1990s, said Gita Manaktala, editorial director of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology university press. Now they've added titles for Kindle, and nearly half of MIT Press' 4,000-strong backlist is available electronically.

"One thing that's really driving a shift toward e-books are libraries," she said. Electronic editions are in demand, she said, because they are more convenient, take up less space and can be made available to more people.

Joachim Leser, a spokesman for the Stuttgart-based publishing company Klett-Cotta Verlag, said the company is working to get e-books out to all kinds of technologies, including iPhones and Sony eReaders.

"The problem right now is that the customers don't have any orientation, and they don't know where to find it," he said. "Personally, I think that everything ... will end up going in the direction of both cell phone and iPod technology."

Peter Prange, a best-selling author of German-language historical novels, including "Die Principessa," said it's complicated for authors to watch the e-book process.

"It's wonderful for the world, but a catastrophe for the authors," since they make almost no money, he said.

Prange said that, while electronic books are convenient and portable, they don't have the familiarity of traditional books.

"Books are friends. And I want the book that I've read to be on my bookshelf. Therefore I believe that paperless books will be about as successful as bathrooms without toilet paper," he said. (Choi)

Sumber : Yahoo.Com
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Google ready to open wallet again after stellar 3Q

SAN FRANCISCO - Google Inc.'s earnings and stock price are soaring again — and so is the Internet search leader's optimism.

The reason: A third-quarter profit that was the largest yet in the company's 11-year history combined with revenue growth accelerating for the first time since the U.S. recession began in December 2007.

The results released Thursday are the best indication yet that the Internet advertising market is emerging from its worst funk since the dot-com bubble burst at the start of the decade.

It's still a matter of technical debate whether the worst recession in 70 years is over. But Google executives left little doubt about their read on the economy as they raved about their third-quarter results.

Google is gearing up for even better days, a shift that will involve hiring a couple thousand new employees after paring its payroll in each of the past two quarters. The Mountain View, Calif.-based company also intends to increase spending on computers and acquisitions of mostly small technology startups. Money won't be a problem, given that Google ended September with $22 billion in cash.

"There is a real wind of optimism and a real wind of confidence around here right now," Patrick Pichette, Google's chief financial officer, said in a Thursday interview.

The strong third-quarter performance and optimistic sentiment were just what investors wanted after propelling Google shares to a succession of 52-week highs this week. The shares gained $17.57, or 3.3 percent, to $547 in Friday morning trading. The stock remains well below its peak of nearly $750 reached almost two years ago, but has more than doubled from its 52-week low of $247.30.

Although Google is sizzling again, it remains unclear whether it will turn out to be an economic anomaly. Is this just an extraordinary company that thrives because it has built a highly effective way for budget-conscious advertisers to connect with penny-pinching consumers?

Google makes virtually all its money by showing ads tied to search requests and other Web content.

Advertisers like the system because their sales pitches tend to be presented to consumers searching for something related to their products or services. What's more, the ads cost money only when someone clicks on the link. Consumers have embraced Google as one way to find what they're looking for at the lowest price.

It works so well that Google earned $1.64 billion, or $5.13 per share, in the three months ended in September. That represented a 27 percent increase from $1.29 billion, or $4.06 per share, at the same time last year.

Excluding expenses for employee stock compensation, Google said it would have made $5.89 per share — above the average estimate of $5.42 per share among analysts polled by Thomson Reuters.

Revenue for the quarter climbed 7 percent to $5.94 billion. That is Google's fastest growth rate so far this year.

And in a telling sign that things are picking up again, Google's third-quarter revenue rose 8 percent from the second quarter. That's the biggest sequential quarterly increase since the end of 2007. (Choi)

Sumber : Yahoo.Com
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Urusan Page View, Facebook Tetap Jawara

London - Facebook salip Google dan sederet situs beken lainnya dalam hal peraupan page view di Inggris.

Hal ini diketahui dari hasil survey yang dilakukan perusahaan analisis web, Hitwise. Jika sebelumnya Google mendiami posisi pertama dalam hal page views terbanyak di Inggris, maka kini Google harus lengser di posisi ke-2, tepat mengekor di belakang situs jejaring besutan Mark Zuckerberg.

"Sudah jelas Facebook adalah pemimpinnya dalam urusan page view," ujar Robin Goad, direktur dari penelitian ini.

Angka kunjungan ke halaman Facebook pada bulan September memang naik 82% pada periode yang sama bulan lalu, hal tersebut menjadikan Facebook sebagai situs pertemanan yang paling digilai di Inggris.

Bahkan, dengan keberadaan Twitter yang banyak disorot oleh media, Facebook tetap adem ayem dan melaju meninggalkan situs-situs lainnya di negara kerajaan ini.

Facebook meraup angka page view yang jika ditotal jumlahnya melebihi page view gabungan dari 3 situs laris: Google, eBay dan YouTube. (Choi)

Sumber : Detikinet.Com
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Firefox Blokir Software Microsoft

Jakarta - Browser Mozilla Firefox memang bersaing dengan Internet Explorer-nya Microsoft. Tapi apakah ada hubungannya persaingan itu dengan diblokirnya komponen piranti lunak Microsoft oleh Firefox?

Sebuah pesan tiba-tiba muncul menyatakan adanya komponen yang diblokir oleh browser Open Source tersebut.

Bukan kebetulan jika satu komponen yang diblokir dan satu komponen yang disarankan untuk dimatikan itu berasal dari Microsoft. Keduanya adalah Add-Ons dari Microsoft, tepatnya Windows Presentation Foundation (diblokir) dan .Net Framework Assistant 1.1 (disarankan untuk dimatikan).

Apakah pemblokiran ini terkait dengan persaingan antara Mozilla Firefox dengan Internet Explorer? Tentunya tidak, disebutkan bahwa pemblokiran ini dilakukan untuk mencegah bahaya keamanan yang berasal dari kelemahan pada kedua komponen tersebut.

Sejak versi terbarunya Firefox memang memiliki tingkat mawas keamanan yang lebih tinggi. Salah satunya ditunjukkan pada pemeriksaan versi Adobe Flash yang dilakukan browser tersebut saat baru di-upgrade.

Langkah ini, menurut Mike Shaver Vice President of Engineering dari Mozilla, sudah direstui oleh Microsoft. "Microsoft setuju dengan rencana (pemblokiran) itu, dan kami telah mengaktifkan daftar blokir itu segera," sebut Shaver dalam blog resminya.

Belakangan, Shaver mengungkapkan bahwa .Net Framework Assistant itu ternyata tidak termasuk wahana penyerangan. "Kami telah mencabutnya dari daftar blokir. Pengguna akan mendapatkan add-on itu aktif kembali seiring kami menyebarkan daftar blokir yang baru," sebut Shaver. (Choi)

Sumber : Detikinet.Com
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Microsoft Siapkan 'Pembunuh' iPhone

Boston - iPhone bak menjadi target empuk bagi para pesaing yang ingin menjatuhkannya. Tak hanya produsen ponsel yang membidik smartphone besutan Apple tersebut, namun juga produsen software sekaliber Microsoft yang mengaku tengah menyiapkan 'pembunuh' iPhone.

Misi khusus tersebut bukan diungkapkan oleh sembarang orang yang duduk di perusahaan milik Bill Gates itu, melainkan oleh CEO Microsoft Steve Ballmer.

Hanya saja demi memburu mangsanya tersebut, Microsoft tak akan sampai keluar dari kodratnya dengan memproduksi ponsel. Tetapi hanya akan membuat sistem operasi bagi perangkat mobile untuk menandingi OS di iPhone.

Windows Mobile 7, demikian nama 'pembunuh' yang tengah disiapkan Microsoft tersebut. OS ini juga merupakan suksesor dari Windows Mobile 6.5 yang baru saja dirilis. Ballmer pun benar-benar sangat percaya diri dengan kemampuan jagoan barunya tersebut.

Pernyataan CEO Microsoft itu terjadi saat ia melakukan sarapan di Microsoft's Kendall Square outpost di Boston. Dan inilah beberapa kutipan yang diposting dalam boston.com.

John Laundry selaku former Lotus saat itu berkata kepada Ballmer. Menurutnya, Microsoft masih tetap sangat berfokus pada desktop PC, serta beberapa device lainnya terkait PC. Laundry lalu memamerkan iPhone miliknya sembari mengatakan bahwa sekitar 80% pekerjaannya berada dalam device tersebut.

Ballmer kemudian langsung meresponnya dengan mengatakan bahwa Microsoft kini sangat berhati-hati dalam pengembangan Windows Mobile 7 yang berfitur jauh lebih baik.

"Kita tahu bahwa kita harus membunuh 'yang satu' itu (iPhone-red)," tukas Ballmer.

Optimisme Ballmer tersebut memang bisa saja terwujud. Pasalnya, dikabarkan bahwa Windows Mobile 7 akan membawa cita rasa baru seperti: penambahan fitur layar sentuh, sistem integrasi yang lebih baik, tampilan yang lebih user friendly, dan sebagainya.

Tak hanya itu, dijelaskan juga bahwa enterpreneur Twitter, Laura Fitton kini sedang mengembangkan aplikasi Twitter untuk Windows Mobile. Ballmer pun merespon hal ini dengan mengatakan bahwa Microsoft akan membuat kampanye untuk menggaet para pengembang aplikasi agar giat berkarya di atas platform Windows Mobile. (Choi)

Sumber : Detikinet.Com
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Windows 7 Dijual Rp 30.000

Shanghai - Urusan bajak membajak, China boleh dibilang jagonya. Seminggu sebelum resmi dirilis, sistem operasi Windows 7 dari Microsoft sudah banyak dijajakan di negeri Tirai Bambu itu. Namun tentunya yang dijual di sana adalah versi abal-abal.

"Versi mana yang Anda ingini? Ultimate? Normal? bahasa Inggris atau China?," demikian tawaran dari seorang penjaga toko di Shanghai, sembari menunjukkan boks yang diklaim berisi Windows 7.

Masyarakat di China telah dapat membeli bajakan Windows 7 dengan harga amat miring, sekitar US$ 3 atau di kisaran Rp 30.000. Padahal Microsoft akan menjual Windows 7 dengan banderol ratusan dolar.

Aksi pembajakan software di China memang gila-gilaan dan memusingkan para produsen. Menurut biro riset IDC, 80 persen dari seluruh software yang dijual di China pada tahun 2008 adalah bajakan.

"Yang membuat pembajakan merajalela adalah soal harga. Jika Anda menjual program seharga 2000 yuan pada pelajar yang hanya punya 400 yuan per bulan, tentu ini tak akan bekerja," tukas Matthew Cheung, analis Gartner.

Microsoft sendiri sebenarnya sudah menjual software dengan harga miring, namun tetap saja masih kalah murah dibandingkan dengan versi bajakan. Otoritas China pun diharap makin serius memberantas pembajakan.

Business Software Alliance (BSA) memperkirakan, industri software merugi US$ 6,6 miliar pada tahun 2008 di China karena pembajakan. Namun kabar baiknya, diperkirakan tingkat pembajakan akan menurun seiring taraf hidup masyarakat yang meningkat dan kesadaran kalau membeli software bajakan berisiko besar.

Gartner memprediksi, level pembajakan di China daratan akan menurun serendahnya sampai 50 persen di tahun 2012. (Choi)

Sumber : Detikinet.Com
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Laptop Tipis NEC Usung Windows 7

Jakarta - NEC meluncurkan laptop ultra-portable tipisnya berbasis CULV bandwagon. Di dalamnya dibenamkan sistem operasi terbaru dari Microsoft, Windows 7.

Laptop tipis yang mendapat julukan 'The Chic LaVie' ini memiliki bentangan layar seluas 13.3 inchi. Dengan layar tersebut laptop ini memiliki resolusi hingga 1366 x 768 pixel.

Laptop ini disokong prosesor Intel Celeron SU2300 1.20 GHz, dan baterainya diklaim mampu bertahan hingga lebih dari 8,5 jam. Selain itu 'LaVie' dibekali RAM sebesar 2 GB yang dapat diupgrade hingga 4 GB. Untuk konektivitas 'LaVie' memiliki opsi seperti: Bluetooth V2.1+ EDR, WIFI BGN, serta HDMI Out.

Laptop tipis besutan NEC ini diperkirakan mulai menyambangi pasar Jepang pada
awal November, setelah peluncuran resmi Windows 7. Di dalamnya dibenamkan OS
Windows 7 Home Premium. Tersedia 3 pilihan warna: merah, hitam dan putih. Namun, belum bisa dipastikan apakah laptop ini juga akan menyambangi Indonesia. (Choi)

Sumber : Detikinet.Com
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