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Senin, 02 November 2009

Google Voice Makes Small Business Sound Bigger

Google Voice has been the subject of controversy and making headlines for all the wrong reasons since availability was expanded earlier this year. On the other hand, even with limited availability Google Voice has reached almost 1.5 million users, and half of them reportedly use the service daily.

Google VoiceThe reason for its popularity isn't hard to see. Google Voice provides a plethora of call handling features at a price that can't be beat--free. For small and medium businesses, Google Voice is an opportunity to use advanced call management features typically reserved for expensive voice solutions in larger enterprises.

Large companies have IP-PBX's and dedicated voice administrators to manage it, or they have made the move to unified communications and have a voice environment built around Microsoft or Cisco or some other unified communications vendor. Small and medium businesses don't have the financial or personnel resources for those solutions though. Let's look at how smaller businesses can put Google Voice to work.

Simultaneous Ring

Google Voice allows you to have an incoming call to the Google Voice number simultaneously ring on multiple phones. On an individual basis, calls could ring an office desk phone and a mobile phone at the same time to ensure important calls reach you no matter where you are.

Businesses can put this feature to use though as a form of departmental call routing. You can use a Google Voice number for a department, such as sales, or customer service, and have the Google Voice number simultaneously ring the desk phones of all of the people in the department so that customers get an efficient response.

Custom Call Greeting and Routing

You can set up Groups in Google Voice and establish unique call management options for each group. A sales department can use this function to set up different groups for each salesperson. Incoming calls that are associated with a sales person's group can be routed to go only to the designated user's desk and mobile phone, and if the call goes to voicemail it can have a custom message from the individual sales person rather than a generic greeting.

Using a Google Voice number in this way, all customers can dial one number to reach the sales department, but existing customers will be routed to their designated sales person, while calls from new and potential customers would be managed using the default settings to simultaneously ring the whole department.

Voicemail by Email

When a new voicemail is received in Google Voice can send the voicemail to an email address and/or transcribe the audio into the text of an email message. You can configure Google Voice to deliver the voicemail messages to an email group or distribution list address so that all of the members of the department will receive the voicemail.

Having the voicemail sent to email at all will help ensure it is not overlooked entirely, and distributing the message to a group can improve the efficiency with which the department responds to customer inquiries and lead to significantly higher customer satisfaction.

Call screening

You can configure Google Voice to announce incoming calls to you before you decide whether or not you want to accept the call. When the phone rings and you answer you are not connected immediately with the caller. Google Voice will identify the source of the call at which point you can choose whether to accept it or pass it to voicemail.

This function can be used by an individual or a team to reduce wasted time and improve productivity. If you are in the middle of a project, important calls can still be taken, while other calls can be sent to voicemail so that you can stay focused on more productive tasks.

Google recently announced a new option, a sort of Google Voice Lite, that allows you to use some Google Voice features while maintaining your existing number, but the functions I listed above require the standard Google Voice account. Google Voice is not available to the general public just yet, but if you know a friend or a friend that has Google Voice you might be able to get an invite.

For more real-world tech solutions for small and midsized businesses--including cloud services, virtualization, and complete network overhauls--check out PC World's Tech Audit. (Choi)

Sumber : PCworld.com
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iPhone Halloween Costumes

What would possess someone to dress up like their favorite piece of technology? It's not like an evil spirit or seductive she-devil where you can act out certain personality traits. The iPhone, in the end, has no real personality; it's just a fancy piece of plastic with lights and buttons. Isn't it? I put this question to Sally Foster, a former psychology professor and dean of San Elijo Campus at MiraCosta College in California.

"In general, people choose Halloween costumes more with their subconscious minds, much like we select our mates," Foster says. "A shy person picks something cool because they want to be cool. If, on the other hand, someone hated technology . . . they'd dress up as a malfunctioning, or archaic piece of equipment." I guess that accounts for this guy who dressed up as the Windows Blue Screen of Death.

Bottom line, Foster says that says since technology is so much a part of our lives, it is not at all surprising to see many technology-inspired costumes.

There you have it: In a sense, you are what you dress up as -- even if you don't realize it. So the big question is: What kind of iPhone are you?

Eco Friendly

Philip Elmer-DeWitt spotted this eco-conscious iPhone evangelist in New York. The Apple-themed crusader was reminding us to think about the planet by recycling old devices. (Click on image to enlarge)

The Chick Magnet

iPhone lover was dressed to impress by turning himself into his MySpace Mobile page, displayed on an iPhone. (Click on image to enlarge)

The Fit iPhone

RunKeeper iPhone application, decided to run the 2009 Boston Marathon dressed as an iPhone. Of course, Jacobs' costume displayed his very own RunKeeper app. RunKeeper is a GPS-based fitness application for the iPhone 3G and 3GS that has a variety of cool features to help you track your workout. (Click on image to enlarge)

The Handyman

a realistic-looking iPhone costume without strapping a 42-inch LCD TV to himself (more on that later). Instead, Laborie created this costume with several criteria: Keep the cost under $50, build the costume using common or easily accessible tools, and keep the time investment down to about ten hours. (Click on image to enlarge)

The result is a sandwich-board style costume made of wood, plexiglass, foam pipe insulation, glue, tape, paint, clothespins, paper, and Styrofoam. The realistic front uses Christmas lights to illuminate the iPhone icons. See Laborie's blog for step-by-step instructions showing how he put the costume together. You can also download several image files from the blog to help you create your own iPhone costume.

The Real iPhone Costume

Ideal Case is selling a demon-style silicone iPhone case that glows in the dark. The case is available in many different colors including yellow, green and orange. Pick up your own demon case online for $17.99. (Click on image to enlarge)

If you need more information, you can also check out this overly thorough review of the demon iPhone case on YouTube.

an app for that. (Click on image to enlarge)

If you want to take this underachievement to the next level, you could use iPhone image files, and glue some printed icons onto your construction paper. It would take you less time than drawing them, and would probably create a better overall look.

iPhone Couple

travelmatt, just a few days before Halloween 2008. (Click on image to enlarge)

As far as construction goes, this iPhone costume is pretty good, but leaves a little to be desired. The icons look nice, but the iPhone itself is shaped more like the mythical iPhone Nano than the authentic Jesus phone. That being said, the earbuds were something I hadn't seen before. Nice touch, you two. (Choi)

Sumber : Yahoo.com
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Apple Update iTunes, Blokir Sinkronisasi Palm Lagi

SAN FRANSISCO - Persaingan Apple dan Palm masih terus berlangsung dan masih berputar pada masalah sinkronisasi iTunes. Apple baru saja merilis versi terbaru peranti lunak iTunes 9.0.2 untuk memblokir kemampuan Pre besutan Palm dalam sinkronisasi file media ke iTunes.

Awal bulan lalu, Palm mengaktifkan kembali fungsi sinkronisasi iTunes Apple bagi para pemilik ponsel cerdas Pre. Palm tidak berhenti berusaha agar pengguna handsetnya bisa melakukan sinkronisasi dengan iTunes dengan merilis webOS 1.2.1.

Hal ini semakin membuat Apple gerah. Pasalnya, telah berulang kali Palm mengabaikan protes keras Apple yang tidak setuju layanan mereka digunakan oleh para pengguna Pre. Itu sebabnya, Apple pun tak kalah garang berusaha memblokir akses sinkronisasi Pre dengan iTunes.

Menanggapi hal ini, Dan Moren dari MacWorld memberikan komentarnya soal pertarungan antara kedua perusahaan teknologi ini dan membandingkannya dengan sebuah drama spionase perang dingin.

"Permainan kucing dan tikus di antara kedua perusahaan ini mengingatkan saya akan cerita film klasik tentang spionase berjudul John Le Carre Cold War. Film tersebut sungguh membosankan dan terus berputar pada perang pengembangan peranti lunak."

Moren bahkan menggambarkan Palm sebagai perusahaan 'pemalas' dan menyarankan agar mereka merancang peranti lunak dan layanan mereka sendiri. (Choi)

Sumber : Okezone.com
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Belum Meluncur, Windows 7 Bajakan Marak di India

NEW DELHI - Meski Microsoft masih mempersiapkan diri untuk meluncurkan Windows 7 namun versi bajakan dari software terbaru itu sudah mulai marak di India.

Microsoft berencana untuk menggelontorkan Windows 7 di India pekan depan. Sayangnya peluncuran ini harus dinodai oleh maraknya software bajakan ini yang telah diperjualbelikan di tokotoko komputer di India.

Para penjuala software Windows 7 bajakan itu secara terang-terangan memajang software ilegal itu di toko mereka. Bahkan para pembeli tidak diharuskan untuk memasukkan kode khusus untuk mengaktifkan software tersebut. Padahal seharusnya setiap software dilengkapi dengan 16 karakter huruf dan angka untuk mengaktifkannya secara legal.

Menurut pemilik toko komputer di India tersebut, mereka telah menjual Windows 7 sejak beberapa hari lalu dengan harga sekira 50 rupee untuk satu unit CD software.

Diketahui, para pengguna internet di India tidak hanya menyukai membeli Windows 7 secara ilegal atau bajakan tapi mereka juga lebih suka mendownloadnya melalui internet. Beberapa situs popular yang menyediakan layanan download Windows 7 adalah torrentz.com, torrentscan.com, isohunt.com, dan torrent-finder.com.

Hal yang sama juga sempat terjadi di China. Sebelum meluncur di China dua pekan lalu, sofware Windows 7 bajakan cukup marak beredar di China. Bahkan beberapa orang berhasil ditangkap karena tertangkap tangan mendistribusikan software baru besutan Microsoft tersebut. (Choi)

Sumber : Okezone.com
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Samsung dan Microsoft Komitmen Green Computers

SAN FRANSISCO - Samsung dan Microsoft sepakat bekerja sama untuk mendukung aksi komputer 'hijau' agar memberikan efisiensi penggunaan energi.

Kedua perusahaan menyatakan komitmennya untuk berkolaborasi memberikan efisiensi energi pada penggunaan komputer di dunia. Bahkan Samsung dan Microsoft akan mendorong pengguna PC agar mau membeli produk-produk komputer yang hemat energi.

Samsyng berharap dengan kerja sama ini kedua perusahaan dapat menghemat konsumsi energi komputer yang digunakan pengguna secara substansial, dengan kolaborasi sistem operasi Windows 7 dan Samsung 40 nanometer class DDR 3 DRAM.

Pada awal September, Samsug berinisiatif untuk melakukan kampanye 'hemat energi tambah kecepatan' melalui DDR3 DRAM 40 nm berukuran 2GB.

Samsung DDR3 40 nm diklaim Samsung sebagai memori dan server komputer yang tergolong palling ramah lingkungan untuk digunakan oleh para konsumen di seluruh dunia.

Perangkat ini mampu menghemat energi hingga 60 persen melebihi DDR2 60nm. Samsung DDR3 tersedia mulai dari kapasitas 1GB sampai 4 GB dan didesain sedemikian rupa agar kompatibel dengan sistem operasi apa saja, termasuk Windows 7.

Samsung juga mengumumkan bahwa komputer perusahaan mereka akan mulai migrasi ke software baru pada tahun 2010. (Choi)

Sumber : Okezone.com
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Kenali Ciri-Ciri Email Pembawa Virus Facebook

Jakarta - Sebuah virus komputer yang memanfaatkan popularitas Facebook menyebar via email. Untuk mengindarinya, simak ciri-ciri email pembawa virus tersebut dalam lanjutan analisa Vaksincom soal virus Facebook berikut ini:

Untuk menyebarkan dirinya virus Facebook akan mengirimkan email ke semua alamat email yang telah diperolehnya dengan melampirkan sebuah attachment dalam bentuk ZIP. Bagi Anda yang mempunyai account Facebook harap berhati-hati jika menerima email yang seolah-olah berasal dari Admin Facebook karena kemungkinan email itu berisi virus.

Email yang akan dikirimkan akan mempunyai ciri-ciri sebagai berikut:

From : The Facebook Team"
Subject : Facebook Password Reset Confirmation.
Attachment : Facebook_Password_xxx.zip (Facebook_Password_xxx.exe)
Message :

Hey [nama penerima email],

Because of the measures taken to provide safety to our clients, your password has been changed.

You can find your new password in attached document.

The Facebook Team

Catatan: xxx adalah karakter acak

Jika kita telurusi dengan menggunakan bantuan sebuah tools monitoring jaringan seperti etherial atau wireshark maka dapat dilihat dengan jelas bahwa komputer yang telah terinfeksi virus berusaha untuk mengirimkan email ke sejumlah alamat yang telah ditemukan dengan menyertakan sebuah file attachment yang berisi virus.

Selain mengirimkan email yang seolah-olah datang dari Admin Facebook, ia juga akan menjadikan komputer yang terinfeksi sebagai server spam dengan mengirimkan email ke sejumlah alamat email yang didapat.

Mengundang Antispyware palsu “Security Tools”

Aksi lain yang akan dilakukan oleh virus Facebook adalah akan mendownload dan menginstal sebuah program antispyware palsu dengan nama “Security Tools”. Antispyware palsu ini akan memberikan informasi palsu dengan menampilkan sederetan nama virus/trojan yang berhasil di deteksi, informasi palsu ini biasanya akan ditampilkan secara terus-menerus pada waktu yang telah ditentukan.

Jika user mencoba untuk melakukan aksi pembersihan dengan menggunakan software palsu tersebut maka ia akan menampilkan layar agar user melakukan pembelian software tersebut, jika muncul hal ini sebaiknya Anda abaikan saja karena anda tidak akan mendapatkan software antispyware tersebut.

Antispyware ini akan secara membuat beberapa file berikut agar dirinya tetap aktif:

* C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\47543326
* C:\Documents and Settings\Elvina\Desktop\security tools.lnk
* C:\Windows\temp\_ex-08.exe
* C:\Documents and Settings\Elvina\Start Menu\Programs\security tools.lnk

Sebagai pendukung agar dirinya tetap aktif, ia akan membuat beberapa string pada registry berikut:

47543326= C:\DOCUME~1\ALLUSE~1\APPLIC~1\47543326\47543326.exe
PromoReg = C:\WINDOWS\Temp\_ex-08.exe


HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Network
UID = %user%_00127065


Aksi yang dilakukan oleh antispyware “Security Tools”

* Menampilkan pesan notifikasi bahwa komputer telah terinfeksi virus/spyware
* Menampilkan konfirmasi update database Antispyware Security Tools
* Restart komputer pada waktu yang teah ditetukan dengan menampilkan layar “Blue Sreen” seolah-olah terjadi error pada system/hardware komputer yang telah terinfeksi.
* Mengganti walpaper/desktop Windows

Sumber : Detikinet.com
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